java proxy code

Posted by triniumtech on 28-Nov-2012 14:49


I need to provide a vendor with a java call that invokes my 4GL procedure on my AppServer where they have access to my server to make a local call. I generated java proxy code but I am not sure how to direct them to use that to connect to the AppServer to invoke my procedure. Is there anyone that can help me with this? I've attached the .p and the java proxy code. What can I give them by way of a code sample that actually connects to the AppServer and calls my code?




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Posted by Marian Edu on 29-Nov-2012 01:15

triniumtech wrote:

What can I give them by way of a code sample that actually connects to the AppServer and calls my code?

you should give them the Java classes generated by progy-gen that they should put in the project classpath and then this link (or find out the appropriate version that suits you) 

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