Regarding Savvion BPM documentation

Posted by Admin on 19-Sep-2013 11:53


I am very new to savvion BPM looking for some documentation to start my learning. Please help on this where will i get it?

All Replies

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 20-Sep-2013 11:20

Do you mean Savvion or OE BPM?

Savvion has been divested by PSC.

OE BPM is a product of PSC and there is a manual for it in the doc set for recent enough versions of OE ... which one is going to want if one is using it seriously.

Posted by Admin on 23-Sep-2013 02:01

Thanks Thomas, For your help

Posted by Peter Mellow on 16-Oct-2013 15:37

Or here is the link to the OpenEdge documentation page which has links to the OpenEdge BPM doc.

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