My question is: How can i see which client has which usr number.
concerns Progress OpenEdge, Release 11.7.1, windows OS.
A user can start multiple clients in our application. We have a problem if we want to kill a specific client.
Via os-command "proshut d:\Projects\GOBS\Data\GOBS -C list > User_List_GOBS.txt"
we get an overview of which users are there with which clients (GOBS = database name "):
usr pid time of login user id Type tty Limbo?
5 988 Sat Dec 14 16:23:23 2019 DB_Agent OEMA batch no
6 14300 Sat Dec 14 16:23:23 2019 SYSTEM WDOG batch no
14 13140 Wed Dec 18 17:21:28 2019 mwstri REMC ALG-CAPE-PRGRS no
15 3212 Fri Dec 20 10:00:16 2019 mcappe REMC ALG-CAPE-PRGRS no
16 13036 Fri Dec 20 09:53:59 2019 mcappe REMC ALG-CAPE-PRGRS no
18 19180 Mon Dec 16 12:39:02 2019 mwstri REMC ALG-CAPE-PRGRS no
20 12504 Mon Jan 6 07:55:22 2020 wptaal REMC ALG-CAPE-PRGRS no
21 13708 Thu Jan 2 17:46:54 2020 cjbree REMC ALG-CAPE-PRGRS no
22 9884 Thu Jan 2 17:46:53 2020 cjbree REMC ALG-CAPE-PRGRS no
23 16084 Thu Dec 19 19:41:05 2019 cjbree REMC ALG-CAPE-PRGRS no
24 3024 Thu Dec 19 22:30:03 2019 Administrator REMC ALG-CAPE-PRGRS no
25 14604 Mon Jan 6 08:15:21 2020 dzeege REMC ALG-CAPE-PRGRS no
Here 3 users have multiple clients open (user IDs "cjbree" / "mwstri" / "mcappe")
we can see this too. NAME is the username and USR is the number which is also available when running the above proshut command
FOR EACH _Connect:
DISP _Connect.
we get the same NAME and also the usr number, but here it;s named USER-ID.
If we use DISP USER in a procedure editor we get the current NAME
So the question: how do we get the current USR or the current _UserIO.USR?
thanks in advance
> how do we get the current USR or the current _UserIO.USR?
FIND FIRST DICTDB._MyConnection NO-LOCK. DISPLAY DICTDB._MyConnection._MyConn-UserId.
> how do we get the current USR or the current _UserIO.USR?
FIND FIRST DICTDB._MyConnection NO-LOCK. DISPLAY DICTDB._MyConnection._MyConn-UserId.
thanks for the quick answer. this is what we need !