I have a number of versions of PDS on my development machine, and I've got the adminiserver working for them.
However - 12.1 changed to using PAS for the OEM function, and I haven't been able to find out how to configure it for non-standard ports. When I run OEM it is not able to connect to the PASOE instance I presume it is supposed to use.
Are there docs somewhere that I've missed?
Hi Tim,
You can configure OEM to run on non-standard ports by modiftying the following properties in $OEM/conf/catalina.properties.
By default it is 9090 for HTTP and 9443 for HTTPS. Modify these properties and restart fathom(fathom -restart).
There is a knowledgebase article on this - knowledgebase.progress.com/.../P155290
I've got OEM running - there's a tab "Remote AdminServer Configuration" which seems to be looking for the adminserver on my machine. I've tried every port in the list of ports I have and it's not connecting.
Is this intended for admin servers on other machines and not the current adminserver on this machine?