IntegrateArchitect.bat File Corrupts Eclipse for Plug-in Dev

Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 13-Sep-2019 15:45

After running the IntegrateArchitect.bat file, Eclipse plug-in projects can no longer successfully build in the target installation. The following errors occur:

"Cannot find the class file for org.osgi.framework.BundleContext".

"The type org.osgi.framework.BundleContext cannot be resolved".

As a work-around, using File > Import from Existing Installation seems to work okay.

What is IntegrateArchitect.bat doing that could cause this?

All Replies

Posted by udayk on 16-Sep-2019 10:30

Hi Jeff,

Could you please specify in which OE version you got this error. Also can you tell DLC location contains special character or space?

Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 16-Sep-2019 11:52


OE 12.0, 12.1.

Path is c:\dlc\12 and c:\dlc\12.1.

After integrateArchitect is run, the config.ini in Eclipse has paths like this:


Whereas the default (that works) has paths like this:


Not sure if that is the issue, but it looks strange.

Using File > Import seems to be a valid work-around. I just wanted to bring this to someone's attention.

There are also osgi errors when using integrateArchitect to uninstall.

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