Where is the setting for workspace open files in PDSOE?

Posted by jquerijero on 27-Sep-2018 16:36

My last opened is preventing PDSOE from opening. It hangs with a blank screen when trying to load the file opened last. Where is the setting to clear these recently opened files? BTW, running with Clean didn't help.

Posted by Peter Judge on 28-Sep-2018 08:20

Did you try running with the  -clearPersistedState switch?

All Replies

Posted by Sanjeva Manchala on 28-Sep-2018 01:02

I did a quick testing around this and found that removing editor related entries from workbench.xmi will do the job. Here are the steps to update workbench.xmi file:
  1. Open “workbench.xmi” file from the following location: <workspace-location>\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.e4.workbench
  2. Find sharedEelements node with elementId=“org.eclipse.ui.editorss”

Example: <sharedElements xsi:type="advanced:Area" xmi:id="_LvBVYMLiEeiUr8JG01Z30g" elementId="org.eclipse.ui.editorss" selectedElement="_LvBVYcLiEeiUr8JG01Z30g">

  1. You can close a specific file by deleting children entry of that particular file or delete entire sharedElements node (to close all the files opened in editor) and save the file and then launch PDS OE
Hope this helps,

Posted by Peter Judge on 28-Sep-2018 08:20

Did you try running with the  -clearPersistedState switch?

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