Problem defining a Data Object Service in Progress Developer

Posted by noekleb on 07-Jun-2018 10:32

I define the ABL Business Entity, then Define the service interface. Therafter i try to define the ABL Service. The project is define as a PAS Web. And there is a pas application server up and running.

- Right clik on the project

- New ABL service

- Choose Transport REST

- Taging 'Create Data Object Service(JSDO Catalog)'

- Give it a service name and press NEXT.

Then the resource window show up EMPTY. (Se attached picture)

Is there anyone having a good suggestion to what i do wrong?

All Replies

Posted by Peter Judge on 07-Jun-2018 10:50

This can happen if the BE doesn’t compile,.

Posted by Jeffrey Z. Wolf on 07-Jun-2018 12:10

I'd concur with Peter. If you create a project , DO NOT create a business entity and create a service, your resource window will be empty. Inspect your business entity for issues.

Posted by noekleb on 07-Jun-2018 13:05

My BE was not compiled. I compiled it. Dobbel checked the Define Interface and compile. But the window is still empty.

Tested wit creating a new workspace, a new project, BE and service. There I could see the resourses in the window. Can there be somthing wrong with the setup of my workspace or project?

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