I'm fairly new to Progress 4GL and ABL. I've been tasked to connect a Progress ABL program with a .Net web service. This web service will work as an intermediary between an online custom CMS and Progress 4GL database on site.
The architecture I've been told is as follows:
Progress 4GL & ABL Programs| <--> | .Net Webservices | <--> | Cloud-based CMS |
I believe this is achievable using Appserver proxies and .Net web services. I'm not sure about:
Progress Appserver is running on a UNIX box while the .Net web services will be hosted on an IIS server on a Windows machine. How does these two communicate with each other?
Update: We are using Progress 10.1
Brian Maher
Principal Engineer, Technical Support
14 Oak Park | Bedford, MA 01730 | USA
Thanks Brian for your prompt response. My understanding is that the .Net web service will be using Progress Appserver and proxy files generated by ProxyGen to send data to Progress and get data back.
10.1 is old. when you get this working , depending on how often you hit the web service you might want to check for memory leaks as we had issues (10.2b) calling from ABL.