Good morning, does anyone use Prolint/Proparse?
Could you send me as setup in order to search for code problems?
A much better alternative is now available as a plugin for the SonarQube platform.
Project here:
I have just got it working in 11.2 AppBuilder - I'm in the process of building a step by step instructions if you are interested.
These are the steps I followed. It's working for us in AppBuilder 11.2 (we are stuck in 11.2 because we haven't finished the enormous task of upgrading all the customers yet...)
(Change "R:\OE\" to wherever you keep your OpenEdge stuff.)
Part 1 - Download and install to common location - do this once only
1 - Download
(There other versions of this on GitHub but this was the most recent)
2 - Create r:\OE\assemblies
3 - Unzip into r:\OE\assemblies.
4 - Create assemblies.xml file in r:\OE\assemblies. The content is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<assembly name=", Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cda1b098b1034b24"/>
5 - Download Prolint74.exe from
6 - Install Prolint74.exe into r:\OE\tools\ It will create it's prolint folder in there.
7 - r:\OE\prolint\core\dlc-version.i to define dlc-version for 11 (only needs to be done once).
Note - if you already have an assemblies.xml merge the two xml files and put the files from in the same folder.
Part 2 - Configure AppBuilder to be able to use ProLint (assuming local install of OpenEdge)
1 - Add "-assemblies r:\OE\assemblies" to the shortcut that starts AppBuilder
(you can add it to but it stops utilities such as prodb from working).
2 - Start AppBuilder
3 - Pro*Tools -> PROPATH -> Add r:\OE\tools, accept the prompt to update the files.
4 - Pro*Tools -> Right Click on any icon then choose Menu Bar
5 - Pro*Tools -> File -> Customize -> Add: Label = Prolint, prolint\desktop.w, image = r:\OE\tools\prolint\images\protools.bmp
6 - Start PROENV and then follow the next steps within it.
a - prompt
b - cd %DLC%\gui\
c - prolib ..\src\ -extract *.i
d- Answer yes to each prompt to overwrite a file.
I tried to post this in the Proparse forum on oehive but I can't login anymore to be able to do so.
Contact for adjustments to your account.