Generic JMS Adapter (-DjmsProvider=WebsphereMQ)

Posted by terry_b on 01-Feb-2018 12:22

When connecting to the JMS adapter, using jms/jmssession.p, is there a method that can be used to determine the dJmsProvider parameter used by the Generic JMS Adapter?

The closest I could find is getConnectionMetaData method.


Posted by Srinivas Munigala on 01-Feb-2018 23:20

Yes, this is the method that gives you the JMS Provider name, for more information, please take a look into the documentation:


Srinivas Munigala

All Replies

Posted by Srinivas Munigala on 01-Feb-2018 23:20

Yes, this is the method that gives you the JMS Provider name, for more information, please take a look into the documentation:


Srinivas Munigala

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