Unusual PASOE error : Could not get and/or initialize State-

Posted by dbeavon on 10-Jan-2018 12:18

I spent quite a bit of time investigating this one (see the confusing PASOE ms-agent log below).

[18/01/10@09:38:49.047-0500] P-001384 T-006488 1 AS-19 -- The server or the system has no more resources. Please contact Progress Technical Support. (748)
[18/01/10@09:38:49.047-0500] P-001384 T-006488 1 AS-19 -- Error initializing the application server. (5479)
[18/01/10@09:38:49.047-0500] P-001384 T-006488 1 AS-19 MSAS Unable to initialize session!
[18/01/10@09:38:49.048-0500] P-001384 T-006488 1 AS-Aux-0 MSAS ERROR: Could not get and/or initialize 'State-free' session! Cannot process request. [18/01/10@09:38:49.048-0500] P-001384 T-006488 1 AS-Aux-0 MSAS Error handling request! Status=-1003 [18/01/10@09:38:49.048-0500] P-001384 T-006488 1 AS-Aux-0 MSAS Worker Thread exiting. Number: 6, Status: -14

Initially I focused on the big, scary message starting with "AS-Aux-0 MSAS ERROR".  That has very little information associated with it. Then I realized that it was more appropriate to focus on the generic error message preceeding it ("The server or the system has no more resources").  

Am I right to assume that this is likely to be a database connectivity issue?  Given that I was troubleshooting the problem in PASOE on a remote server, I kept thinking that "server" and "system" referred to the PASOE server and system. I suppose that where an ms-agent is concerned, the only "server" in that context is the database server.  And my google hits (https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Aknowledgebase.progress.com+The+server+or+the+system+has+no+more+resources ) seem to indicate a database connectivity problem.

I'm wondering if my server's "-n" value is too low.  I think it is 100 or so (on a shared development server).  I will try to make a change.  Ideally these errors would be less obscure and generic than they are...  

Posted by Rob Fitzpatrick on 10-Jan-2018 12:24

It could be -n, but it doesn't have to be.

Check this KB for more details:


All Replies

Posted by Rob Fitzpatrick on 10-Jan-2018 12:24

It could be -n, but it doesn't have to be.

Check this KB for more details:


Posted by dbeavon on 10-Jan-2018 13:57

Thanks Rob.  It sounds like I can at least assume, based on that KB, that the message "the server or the system has no more resources" is an error that originates from the underlying OE database rather than from the PASOE server itself.  (Those of you who are database admins probably recognize that error instantly but it had me scratching my head.)

Posted by Rob Fitzpatrick on 10-Jan-2018 14:14

Yes, it looks to me like a DB config issue, not PASOE-specific.  It's probably a matter of bumping up the appropriate DB broker param(s) to accommodate your user/connection count.  Could be -n but also look at client/server params like -Mpb, -Ma, -Mi.  Also -minport/-maxport and the corresponding ranges in the services file.

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