wsaman query on wsa1 fails

Posted by Ashok Palika on 31-Jul-2017 03:56


I am using  Version : 10.2B  with No Progress Explorer.

 I have added an webservice instance "wsa1" to However when I try to query using   command " wsaman -name wsa1 -port 20931 -query "   fails with 

Connecting to Progress AdminServer using rmi://localhost:20931/Chimera (8280)
Searching for wsa1 (8288)
Unable to connect to wsa1 (8289)
Unable to find wsa1 (8281)

restarted admin server with no luck.

I compared 10.2B admserv.log  with 11.6 admserv.log and interestingly 

I found that 

[AdminServer]           Added ServerPlugin: Plugin.WSA (7431)

is missing in 10.2B .

Any ideas why this could be missing and how can I get the plugin added in 10.2B ??

Thanks in advance.


Posted by Ashok Palika on 08-Aug-2017 01:40

WSA has been commented in

After uncommenting and restarting the Admin server. It is all good now.


All Replies

Posted by Srinivas Munigala on 31-Jul-2017 04:22

Hi Ashok,

Can you please answer the following questions:

1. Do you have a license to run WSA? What is your current license?

2. If you have a valid license, are AdminServer & NameServer started?

3. Have you deployed wsa1 to a WebServer? If yes, are you able to access it through browser?


Srinivas Munigala

Posted by Ashok Palika on 31-Jul-2017 05:02

Hi Srinivas,

We have got these installed on our AIX machine.

        Product Name:  OE Application Svr Ent

        Product Name:  4GL Development System

        Product Name:  OE Enterprise RDBMS

1) So I assume , we have valid license .

2) Yes , Admin server and Name server are running

3) Yes , I am able to access via browser.



Posted by Srinivas Munigala on 31-Jul-2017 08:17

Thanks for the information Ashok. Do you see any errors in the admserv.log or cmdplugin.log files?

Posted by Ashok Palika on 01-Aug-2017 02:49

None Srinivas.

Posted by Srinivas Munigala on 03-Aug-2017 01:13

Hi Ashok,

Can you please increase the logging level of AdminServer and check if any information available in the log files?

To increase AdminServer logging level:

Open DLC/properties/

Under the Section: [PluginPolicy.Progress.AdminServer]

Where extended logging is enabled by adding "-DLogLevel=5" to the 'jvmargs=' line


jvmargs=-Xmx512m -DLogLevel=5 (... remainder of existing parameters)


Srinivas Munigala

Posted by Ashok Palika on 08-Aug-2017 01:40

WSA has been commented in

After uncommenting and restarting the Admin server. It is all good now.


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