Dynamics conversion anyone?

Posted by smat-consulting on 23-Jul-2017 23:15

I have this tool that creates a browser based CRUD application based on the DB and table-relationships. I think, it should be possible to use a dynamics DB and business-logic almost as-is, but I am not sure - I don't have access to any dynamics application any more.

Anybody out there still on dynamics who wants to get off of it (or is contemplating doing so), and would be interested in looking at this with me, or would be willing to let me look at it?

Reply here, or PM me, if you like, or drop me an email...

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Posted by Mike Fechner on 24-Jul-2017 01:54

Hi Thomas - we are working on Dynamics to SmartComponent Library conversions. The target is OERA/Common Component Specification compliant backend with Angular 4 or GUI for .NET frontend. Repository data conversion is a piece of cake, we have mappings for most commonly used Manager API's and are developing client and SDO logic procedure conversion routines based on Proparse. Very promising!

Posted by smat-consulting on 27-Jul-2017 12:22

Progress' approach is usually manufacture - i.e. they focus on creating powerful tools, but you do everything manually, table by table, UI by UI.

My approach is industrial production - i.e. once you have the DB and table-relationships, and processes that can be applied to records of the various tables, you have a robot build [and rebuild anytime without loosing your customizations] your application. You can then focus on implementing the business-logic and tweaking the UI.

Dynamics conversion is just a nice possible side-effect of this tool...

I think there's a need and purpose for both approaches.

Good luck with your efforts, Mike!

Posted by Mike Fechner on 27-Jul-2017 12:33

[quote user="smat-consulting"]I don't have access to any dynamics application any more.[/quote]

Any 32 bit windows developer license includes the standard dynamics framework maintenance application.

Posted by smat-consulting on 28-Jul-2017 09:33

Thank you Mike. Yes, I understand that. The repository is a piece of cake - as you said...

I am more interested in seeing how people implemented the business-logic in a real-life application. I'm hoping to find a pattern, which would allow for it to be integrated - hopefully as is; and if not as is, than at least with little effort...

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