117 Pasific WEB vs 11.7 classic Webspeed

Posted by goo on 13-Jun-2017 01:26

I have installed and looked around in the New 11.7 and finds it Nice. Though I Wonder a bit about the following:

1. When installing, I am asked about Webspeed and Webserver.

q: Is it so that 11.7 classic still uses external webserver and that I need to install webspeed and a external webserver as ie. Apache2?

2. Do we create one PAS instance for each Application? ( I do belive that, but just wondering what we uses the webapps  that is instances under each PAS server?

Posted by Roy Ellis on 13-Jun-2017 14:34

If you have a PASOE instance now (lets call it oepas1) and you want to add another ABL Application, do this:

cd <path-to>/oepas1

bin/tcman deploy $DLC/servers/pasoe/extras/oeabl.war NewABLAppName

The NewABLAppName at the end of the command is the thing that will create this new ABL Application and correctly modify the openedge.properties

now you can access the ROOT oepas1 ABL application with http://host:port/web/...

and the NewABLAppName with host:port/.../...

HTH, Roy

All Replies

Posted by Irfan on 13-Jun-2017 09:25


When you select Webspeed as a component while installation, it will ask you for a WebServer. Just to support your older classic Webspeed Applications.

In a PASOE Instance, you can create multiple WebApplications, where each of them can be considered like a module for deploying your Application code. They all share the same agent,database and event procedures.

In-case you would like to have different database and event procedures for your Applications, then you have to create ABL Applications. ABL Applications are logically mapped to the WebApplications and each of them will have its own session manager,agents,database and event procedures.

To create a new WebApp for default ABL Application(which would be your instance name), you do

   tcman create -a myWebApp $DLC/servers/pasoe/extras/oeabl.war

To create a new WebApp for a new ABL Application, you would do

   tcman create -a myWebApp $DLC/servers/pasoe/extras/oeabl.war  myABLApp

Once you do this, you will see the difference in openedge.properties file and the log files. Each ABL Application will generate its own session-manager and agent log.    

Posted by goo on 13-Jun-2017 11:21

When you are saying webApplications, do you mean "Progress Application Server"? When you are saying ABL Applications, is that also "Progress Application Server" (PAS)?

As I understand, a PAS can have database Connections and several transporthandlers (like REST,SOAP,WEB,APSV). If I create a PAS session and Calls it

pasMyApplication, it is possible to add code under /pasMyApplication/openedge and also add code to /pasMyApplication/webApps/WEB-INF/openedge, and further more it is possible to add an instance (myWebApp) that will be add under webApps like /pasMyApplication/webApps/myWebApp/openedge.

To be honest, I find it a bit confusing, but it is probably made to be very flexy... but where could I find some examples of use?

Posted by Peter Judge on 13-Jun-2017 11:52

Not quite.
A PASOE instance contains a couple of things
- one or more webapps. A webapp is a URI that exposes your ABL to the web/REST. A webapp talks to the AVM (ABL execution engine) via a session manager.
- one or more abl-applications. An abl application is a single session manager (a set of configuration like PROPATH and db connections)
1 webapp can only talk to 1 abl application
1 abl application can be exposed via one or more webapps
1 instance exposes 1 or more webapps
An ABL application’s PROPATH is the same as any propath – it can go anywhere basically. BUT we provide 2 recommended locations for ABL code, which are added to PROPATH by default.
- in $CATALINA_BASE/openedge (that’s the instance root). This is where we think “common business logic” should go. Standard application libraries, stuff that can be used by all webapps and abl-applications in an instance.  This could also contain common utilities.
- in $CATALINA_BASE/webapps/<webapp-name>/WEB-INF/openedge (each webapp). This is where we think “service interface code” should go. This is ABL code that relates to handling a request and calling into the common business logic. It should only contain code relating to that webapp.
You may notice that there’s no place for ABL code for a particular abl-application. This is something we’ll be addressing in the (near, hopefully) future but if you use $CATALINA_BASE/ablapps/<abl-application-name>/openedge you should be in a good position.  This should be code that’s specific to a particular abl-application (like individual customer extensions or customisations).
In the pic, /SportsSvc and /PubSports are webapps. They both handle requests for the sports-demo abl application.
I don’t have a simple example set up to share, but I feel that once you have the 3 basic units in your mind it gets easier to work with and understand.

Posted by goo on 13-Jun-2017 13:15

Peter, thanks, but I may be a bit thick headed... so IF I have the following:

The Picture shows one PASOE Instance oepas1, and two ABL Applications. How do you add an extra ABL Application to OEPAS1 ?

Or is it so that OEPAS1 is the ABL Application and that I need two PASOE instances? hmmmm

Posted by goo on 13-Jun-2017 13:43

or do I have to manually enter stuff in the openedge.properties ? To be honest, I find it very confusing :-/

Posted by Roy Ellis on 13-Jun-2017 14:34

If you have a PASOE instance now (lets call it oepas1) and you want to add another ABL Application, do this:

cd <path-to>/oepas1

bin/tcman deploy $DLC/servers/pasoe/extras/oeabl.war NewABLAppName

The NewABLAppName at the end of the command is the thing that will create this new ABL Application and correctly modify the openedge.properties

now you can access the ROOT oepas1 ABL application with http://host:port/web/...

and the NewABLAppName with host:port/.../...

HTH, Roy

Posted by goo on 13-Jun-2017 15:03

Thanks Roy :-) so it has to be done with tcman.sh.... that was another good think to know... I was looking for that in the web management ....

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