OE Broker fails to find a server available for connecting

Posted by goo on 06-Apr-2017 10:08

11.6.3 / Windows 10/x64

I suddenly get this Message when trying to Connect my local Developer database from eclipse. It is enoying me, because I have not done any changes to the configuration (as far as I know). I have tried to delete the config for the database, and added it like a default db, but still same problem.

-Ma 5

-Mi 1

-Mn 4

-n 21

anyone seen this before?

Part of the LOGFILE:

2017/04/06@15:56:21.897+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (17562) Number of Alternate Database Buffers (-B2): 0
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.897+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (9422)  Maximum private buffers per user (-Bpmax): 64
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.897+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (14016) Database block consistency check (-DbCheck): Not Enabled
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.898+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (13869) Database Service Manager - Service(s) to start (-DBService): Not Enabled
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.898+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (10535) Enhanced Read-Only mode (-ERO): Not Enabled
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.899+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (4237)  Force Access (-F): Not Enabled
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.899+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (4249)  Before-Image Truncate Interval (-G): 0
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.899+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (4261)  Host Name (-H): THIncMobil04
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.900+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (14018) Index block consistency check (-IndexCheck): Not Enabled
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.900+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (4241)  Current Size of Lock Table (-L): 8192
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.901+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (16688) Lock Governor (-LGovernor): 0%
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.901+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (4257)  Maximum Number of Clients Per Server (-Ma): 5
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.902+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (14016) Memory overwrite check (-MemCheck): Not Enabled
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.902+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (4245)  Delay of Before-Image Flush (-Mf): 3
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.902+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (4259)  Minimum Clients Per Server (-Mi): 1
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.903+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (12818) Message Buffer Size (-Mm): 1024
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.903+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (4258)  Maximum Number of Servers (-Mn): 5
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.904+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (12819) Servers per Protocol (-Mp): 0
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.904+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (5647)  Maximum Servers Per Broker (-Mpb): 4
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.904+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (4240)  Excess Shared Memory Size (-Mxs): 23
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.905+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (4263)  Network Type (-N): TCP
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.905+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (16954) Server network message wait time (-Nmsgwait): 2
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.906+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (10357) Pending client connection timeout (-PendConnTimeout): 0
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.906+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (4262)  Service Name (-S): 4001
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.907+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (17804) Broker server group support (-ServerType): BOTH
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.907+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (10028) SQL Server Max Open Cursors (-SQLCursors): 0
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.908+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (10026) SQL Server Stack Size (-SQLStack): 0
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.908+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (10027) SQL Server Statement Cache Size (-SQLStmtCache): 0
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.909+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (10029) Size [1K byte units] of SQL Server temp table buffer (-SQLTempStoreBuff): 0
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.909+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (10030) Size [1K byte units] of SQL Server temp table disk storage (-SQLTempStoreDisk): 0
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.909+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (10031) Size [1K byte units] of SQL Server temp table data page (-SQLTempStorePageSize): 0
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.910+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (17955) Authorized data truncation (-SQLTruncateTooLarge): OFF
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.910+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (18156) SQL Autonomous Schema Update (-SQLWidthUpdate): OFF
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.911+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (14019) Record block consistency check (-TableCheck): Not Enabled
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.911+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (17717) TXE Lock retry limit (-TXERetryLimit): 0
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.912+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (10836) Database connections are not allowed at this time.
[2017/04/06@15:56:21.912+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (10471) Database connections have been enabled.
[2017/04/06@15:56:24.416+0200] P-6572       T-5896  I BIW     5: (-----) Login by SYSTEM.


[2017/04/06@16:59:25.897+0200] P-6344       T-13032 I SRV     1: (7129)  Usr 24 set name to goo.
[2017/04/06@16:59:52.540+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (8839)  No SQL servers are available.  Try again later.

Posted by bronco on 07-Apr-2017 05:19

Your log states:

Broker server group support (-ServerType): BOTH

this means that any server spawned can be either 4GL or SQL. If you configure one servergroup to be 4GL only (with say a maximum of 4 servers) and another servergroup for SQL only (with f.e. 2 servers) than you always have 4GL AND SQL servers available. If you don't split these you run the risk that all servers are 4GL and there are no servers that can handle SQL. Now, you can do two things:

- define two server groups under one broker

- define two brokers with each 1 server group. One broker for 4GL connections and 1 for SQL.

In the latter case you can fine tune better (since a lot of settings are set at the broker level).

Which OE version are we talking about and do you use adminserver w/ the OE Explorer webinterface?

All Replies

Posted by goo on 06-Apr-2017 10:26

If I stop the server from Management console, and restart it in commandline (proserve norcalc -H localhost -S 4001

It seems to work from eclipse....

//Geir Otto

Posted by Valeriy Bashkatov on 07-Apr-2017 02:23

Hi goo,

[2017/04/06@16:59:52.540+0200] P-14432      T-3360  I BROKER  0: (8839)  No SQL servers are available.  Try again later.

Are you start db from OE explorer/Management?

Whats value set for minport/maxport parametrs ?

Is the firewall used?

Check in promon  the Status: Servers screen:

R&D -> 1. Status Displays -> 3. Servers

What will this screen shown?

Posted by bronco on 07-Apr-2017 03:10

Do you have separate servergroups defined for 4GL and SQL? If not, all available servers may be 4GL ones (a server can either be 4GL or SQL, not both). With the max server all 4GL there's no server for SQL.

Posted by Valeriy Bashkatov on 07-Apr-2017 03:12


Posted by goo on 07-Apr-2017 04:37


default  (3000 and 5000)

no firewall


# Type  Port

0 Login 4001

1 Inactive 0


4 Inactive 0

With server started from commandline:

0 Login 4001

1 Auto  4002


4 Auto 4004

Posted by goo on 07-Apr-2017 04:41

Bronco, I have not added servergroups, but could you explain what I should look for, if I have done a mistake With setup. I have just used the default setup, and it has been working, but suddenly it stopped... so there has to be a change somewhere.

Posted by bronco on 07-Apr-2017 05:19

Your log states:

Broker server group support (-ServerType): BOTH

this means that any server spawned can be either 4GL or SQL. If you configure one servergroup to be 4GL only (with say a maximum of 4 servers) and another servergroup for SQL only (with f.e. 2 servers) than you always have 4GL AND SQL servers available. If you don't split these you run the risk that all servers are 4GL and there are no servers that can handle SQL. Now, you can do two things:

- define two server groups under one broker

- define two brokers with each 1 server group. One broker for 4GL connections and 1 for SQL.

In the latter case you can fine tune better (since a lot of settings are set at the broker level).

Which OE version are we talking about and do you use adminserver w/ the OE Explorer webinterface?

Posted by goo on 07-Apr-2017 06:28

aaah, suddenly I learned something new :-) of course that was why it was possible to add servergroups. I did not know, but now I know :-) it worked, and I agree, it is much better to have another broker serving SQL. Thanks  

Posted by bronco on 07-Apr-2017 06:40

One is never too old to learn :-)

Maybe you can set the question to answered.

This thread is closed