PANS problem?

Posted by Rob Fitzpatrick on 14-Feb-2017 10:21

I haven't seen any PANS articles published since February 10. 

Is it just unusually quiet or is there a problem?

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Posted by Frank Meulblok on 15-Feb-2017 07:37

There is a problem.

Being a support engineer and thus one of the folks publishing new articles, I know for sure that there should have been notifications this week.

I've raised this internally so this can be investigated and fixed.

Posted by Rob Fitzpatrick on 21-Feb-2017 09:25

I see that PANS alerts are being published again, as of Saturday the 18th.  I expected the first alert to be a large one, thinking that it would contain a week's worth of articles.  But it only contained three articles published on the 17th.

Will it be possible to publish an alert containing the missing articles (11th to 16th inclusive)?

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