Need latest datadirect driver with 10.2B08 without full inst

Posted by Etienne Begin on 19-Jan-2017 09:48


When I download the Open Client from the download center, it installs the 10.2B driver version  PGOE1023.DLL.

I would like to use this ODBC version: 10.2BSP8   PGOE27.DLL

Installing the service pack fails as it complains about the DLC variable.  I only have the open client installed.

How can I get the ODBC version I need ?


All Replies

Posted by Rob Debbage on 25-Jan-2017 03:15


Assuming that you have 10.2B08 on another Windows machine, try option 1a/b of the following KB article:

000021257, "Is it possible to use an ODBC driver without a full installation?"

Option #2 would not provide the later driver version; option #3 does not apply.

Kind regards,


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