how to send username and password to a link

Posted by goo on 29-Nov-2016 06:58

When starting an internal appserver, I would like to add the username and password. Is it possible to add them as parameter in the URL?

This link will ask me for logon credentials. I would like to add &username=""&password="" or something related to that? Is there any other and better solutions?

Posted by Matt Baker on 29-Nov-2016 09:02

OEM does support a single sign on mechanism which would be best option in this case.  But since it doesn't see if you can make the browser control issue an HTTP post to /login.jsp with the required credentials.  The user won't see this request, then open the required page on a successful login.  

OEM uses cookies for session management so as long as the cookie setup in the browser control is transferred between the requests it should work.

Other option here is to get the cookie from the original Web Request and plugin that into the cookie store for the browser control object with the correct domain information.

Posted by Peter Judge on 29-Nov-2016 09:06

There’s an ABL example of how you can call form authentication via ABL. The URL is for a PASOE instance but the principal is the same for OEM/OEE I believe.
Example at  

All Replies

Posted by Jean-Christophe Cardot on 29-Nov-2016 07:22

You can call the URL like this:

If you do not want to see the username and passqord in the URL (which does not seem to be the case if I understand correctly), then your client should send a properly formatted "Authorization" header (basically "Authorization: " + base64("user:password").

Posted by goo on 29-Nov-2016 07:39

Ok, but it seems like IE and Chrome has stoped the use of that url format....

Posted by Matt Baker on 29-Nov-2016 07:52

Given the port I assume you're trying to open a browser against OEM?  If so, OEM supports two authentication models: form, and basic.  By default it will test to see if the HTTP request contains the HTTP Basic headers.  If they are not there, you'll be redirected to the form login page.

So if you're using a web browser as your HTTP client, you would have to use the http://<user>:<password>/server/port format.  If you're using a standalone HTTP client set the HTTP headers.

And no, browsers still accept the that format.  It is not recommended as your password will show up in your bookmark, but it can still be done.

If you don't want to be remembering/typing passwords, install a browser plugin like lastpass and let it autofill for you.

Posted by Jean-Christophe Cardot on 29-Nov-2016 08:06

Anyway, having the user/password as http://user:password@server or as http://server?user=...&password=.... is the same, they end up as clear text in bookmarks or logs. That's why I suggested the Basic authentication header, which is trivial to implement. Digest would be safer but I do not know if OEM implements it.

Posted by Matt Baker on 29-Nov-2016 08:23

Digest isn't safer.

Digest requires that the server know the actual cleartext password.  Both the client  and server compute a hash from the password and the nonce from the HTTP header sent from the client.

Digest isn't supported by OEM because OEM doesn't know the user's password.  Passwords stored by OEM are kept as hashes which cannot be reversed back to passwords.  Digest cannot be supported.

And you won't see it very often in many places because saving passwords as cleartext on the server is just a plain bad idea.

Posted by Matt Baker on 29-Nov-2016 08:24

If you're worried about making your connection "safer", use SSL with a properly setup server certificate.

Posted by goo on 29-Nov-2016 08:25

By doing this, I am able to connect:

USING System.IO.*.

USING System.Net.*.

DEFINE VARIABLE oReq    AS System.Net.WebRequest  NO-UNDO.

DEFINE VARIABLE oResp   AS System.Net.WebResponse NO-UNDO.

DEFINE VARIABLE oDS     AS System.IO.Stream       NO-UNDO.

DEFINE VARIABLE oReader AS System.IO.StreamReader NO-UNDO.


oReq = WebRequest:Create('').

oReq:Credentials = NEW NetworkCredential('xxx','yyy').

oReq:Method = 'GET'.

oResp = oReq:GetResponse().

Now I want to call my webbrowser object with the url and credentials. Is that possible?

I am using a program with this object.....


Posted by Matt Baker on 29-Nov-2016 08:43

Let's back up here a moment.  

What are you trying to do?  Are you trying to start an appserver setup in OEM from an HTTP client?  If so  you can use HTTP basic, and the built-in HTTP client in the ABL to do this?  You don't need to use .NET.

Second, Why do you need the web browser?  What do you intend to do with it?

Posted by goo on 29-Nov-2016 08:55

I want the customer to have a menu link that opens a window with a webbrower interface. I want the user/password to be hidden for this user, and I want to go to the following link:

There is other links as well where it would be nice to hide the user/password, or to automatic add it for the user.

Posted by Matt Baker on 29-Nov-2016 09:02

OEM does support a single sign on mechanism which would be best option in this case.  But since it doesn't see if you can make the browser control issue an HTTP post to /login.jsp with the required credentials.  The user won't see this request, then open the required page on a successful login.  

OEM uses cookies for session management so as long as the cookie setup in the browser control is transferred between the requests it should work.

Other option here is to get the cookie from the original Web Request and plugin that into the cookie store for the browser control object with the correct domain information.

Posted by Peter Judge on 29-Nov-2016 09:06

There’s an ABL example of how you can call form authentication via ABL. The URL is for a PASOE instance but the principal is the same for OEM/OEE I believe.

Posted by goo on 29-Nov-2016 09:12

ok, then I have to do some testing :-) thanks !

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