request. Productivity tip of the week.

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 19-Nov-2016 12:51


OEPDS  11.6. windows.

Quite often I define a variable or property in th eheading of the program/class to use far ahead on the code...  But then I reallize that I need to change something on the early defined var as initial value, label or so...  What I currently do is:

Find that I need a different initial value for a var, or expand documentation on the definition of it, or something, then I type literally something like this:   asdfsadfas, then CTRL-HOME, then edit, and then CTRL-SHIFT-C to find where I left the erroneus code, erase it and keep typing..

Isn't a decent shorcut to accomplish the same?

(A while ago I posted an IDEA for allowing CTRL-Q to traverse all editing point, not just last one, but coudn't find on my profile)


Posted by OctavioOlguin on 22-Nov-2016 09:47

Tanks you all...

I'll be checking options...


All Replies

Posted by Mike Fechner on 20-Nov-2016 02:07

Instead of doing a syntax check, you can also use CTLR-. (CTRL and period) to jump to the line with the error, assuming you are compiling as you type.

Posted by Frank Meulblok on 21-Nov-2016 04:27

I personally tend to use the Eclipse bookmarks feature for this.

- You can set a bookmark by right-clicking on the left indicator bar of the editor (=where debugger breakpoints also show)

- Then make sure you have the Bookmarks view (show view -> other -> general -> bookmarks) to nagivate quickly between the bookmarks you've set.

Posted by Mike Fechner on 21-Nov-2016 04:36

Bookmarks are great for stuff you’re working on over a longer period of time.
A nice way to work on variable definitions at the top of the file and implementation closer to the bottom can also be to option the file in a second (or third …) editor: Window -> New Editor.
You can arrange the two editors so that they split the screen horizontally or vertically.

Posted by Patrick Tingen on 22-Nov-2016 03:16

You could also use the Quick Bookmarks plugin for Eclipse. You can find it via the Marketplace or simply here.

With this plugin you can define an anonymous bookmark with CTRL-B, navigate to another part of your source (tip: use F3 to quickly go to the definition of your variable / tt / procedure) and then use CTRL-N / CTRL-P to navigate through your bookmarks.

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 22-Nov-2016 09:47

Tanks you all...

I'll be checking options...


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