Check out this great tech tip from our Senior Manager, System Engineer – Mary Criscione
Anyone who plans to develop a web or mobile front end to their OpenEdge application will want to know about the new service provider available in OE11.6.3. The new WebHandler for Data Object Services was created to run with Progress AppServer (PASOE).
Prior to Release 11.6.3, Data Object Services hosted on any OpenEdge AppServer used a REST service provider for client apps to access Business Entities on the AppServer. With OpenEdge 11.6.3 you have the option to create Data Object Services that use the new service provider, WebHandler. WebHandler is a web transport that provides a more efficient and simpler communication layer than REST. It is written in ABL, easier to customize, and has improved debugging abilities. The WebHandler’s primary benefit is that it gives developers full control over the incoming and outgoing data.
You can replace the service provider without changing any code. In Progress Developer Studio 11.6.3, create a new ABL service type of Data Object. Check Service Provider WebSpeed WebHandler. Don’t be confused by the name – it does not need to be a WebSpeed application.
The Data Object WebHandler is the default service provider in 11.6.3 and beyond.
To learn more about Progress Application Server (PAS) for OpenEdge or Mobile Development read our EBook – Application Modernization for the Digital Age