Application migration out of Progress Dynamics

Posted by Steven Wong on 14-Oct-2016 01:38


Appreciate any documentation and/or project references that describe recommended approach to help migrate applications out of Progress Dynamics.

Thanks in advance.


All Replies

Posted by Mike Fechner on 14-Oct-2016 01:46

There is no prescribed approach “out of the box”.
What are your requirements?

-          Seeking for a modern .NET UI on top of Dynamics

-          Seeking for a modern Web UI on top of Dynamics

-          Seeking for a completely different architecture, OO, OERA, CCS

We’re a framework vendor and have (commercial) tools that helped other clients already in those scenarios.
LMK if you’d like to have a conversation.

Posted by smat-consulting on 14-Oct-2016 08:59

Hello Steven,

 Like Mike said - there's no one single way; You can choose what you would like to do.

 I find in today's world it makes not much sense to develop something new in Windows UI, as it cuts out mac and unix workstations. So, personally, I only work on browser-based UIs.

 I tried Rollbase 1 1/2 years ago, and although I didn't like their lack of locking, transaction-scoping and such, I did really like their approach to a standard UI, where every foreign key is automatically displayed as a link to that record. My client L-O-V-E-S that feature, as they are able to figure out where any record/value is coming from... (one has to see that to understand it's potential)

 To implement this, it is very important to have an internal record-reference (like the obj field in Dynamics). As such, a dynamics DB is very well suited.

 I since implemented two OpenEdge/Html5/JS/JQuery applications using a rollbase style UI, where I generate about 75% of the application (90% of the CRUD) - both HTML pages and OpenEdge backend. There is very little customizations needed for the CRUD stuff. Most of the actual development work is the workflow processes. With this approach it is very important, of course, that you can regenerate at any time (when you add a new process, a new field, or even  new table, or table relationship), without loosing your customizations.

 If you like to see how this looks - for the user and for the developer - let me know. I'm happy to share the ideas with you.

 Good luck!

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