Hi guys
Im working on a script using PCT to compile my programs code.
However im batting to establish a DB connection using the PCTConnection statement as my DB is started up with the
-Mm parameter set to 10240.
Ive tried using the param file aswell but still no luck.
params.pf contains the following:
-H test -S test -U test -P test -Mm 10240
<PCTConnection dbName="test" logicalName="test" paramFile="${par.dir}\params.pf" />
[PCTCompile] Unable to connect to -db test-pf C:\ProgramMaintenance\PCT\params.pf -S 9068 -ld test -H test -U test -P test
[PCTCompile] Server has -Mm parm 10240 and client has 1024. They must match. (1150)
Seems that the -Mm hasnt even been picked up??
Can anyone provide some direction on how i can do this?
Thanks but i dont know how this will work in my situation?
im currently doing this.. and it fails in the DB connection
<PCTCompile destDir="${b1.dir}" dlcHome="${env.DLC}" relativePaths="true" assemblies="${ass.dir}">
<!-- DB Connection -->
<PCTConnection dbName="test" logicalName="test" hostName="test" dbPort="9068" userName="test" password="test" singleUser="false" />
<!-- Source Code -->
<fileset dir="${s1.dir}">
<include name="**/*.cls"/>
<include name="**/*.p"/>
<exclude name="**/aps361dl.p"/>
<exclude name="**/aps391i.p"/>
<!-- Propath -->
<pathelement path="${b1.dir}\Creditors" />
Form what is see this PCTRun command does not support the PCTCompile command in the documentation?
What do i need to get this compile script working with the PCTRun command that caters for this -Mm command??
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
PCTCompile is a sub-class of PCTRun, so you need to specify the attribute msgBufferSize="10240" on <PCTCompile...>, not <PCTConnection...>.
I solved the issues.... figured out that pctrun is the base class for pctcompile and so we just had to add the parameter msgBufferSize to pctcompile command.