Hello OpenEdge Community- Jean Munro (System Engineer) answered this question for me and I thought I should share with the group.
Which edition of Telerik Platform is recommended for OpenEdge customers?
There has been some confusion for OpenEdge customers about which Telerik product to purchase for developing mobile apps that access OpenEdge data. OpenEdge developers should purchase a subscription to Telerik Platform for OpenEdge. The Telerik Platform for OpenEdge delivers valuable features specifically for OpenEdge customers, including all the features of the Business Edition of the generic Telerik Platform plus JSDO (JavaScript Data Object) integration and AppManager LiveSync. The JSDO is a library that supports much of the functionality needed for transactional business apps with OpenEdge data. The Telerik Platform for OpenEdge provides integration between Kendo UI components and the JSDO within the Views service. You can simply select the Progress Data Service type for the underlying Kendo UI components, allowing quick mobile app design and generation. After you've deployed your app, AppManager LiveSync lets you push app changes out to your users through a private AppStore on Telerik's cloud. Telerik Platform for OpenEdge is available only through your OpenEdge Account Manager.
Telerik is just one component of the OpenEdge development portfolio you can use to optimize your apps for the digital age. To learn more about how you can take full advantage of the OpenEdge platform to stay ahead of trends, enhance performance, strengthen security and modernize your apps, download our free eBook, OpenEdge Business Development Platform: Delivering Transformative Apps.