You're probably using the ABLUnit task from Progress Developer Studio, not the one from PCT. Profiler is only supported under PCT.
ABLUnit inherits from PCTRun, as stated on the wiki page since 2 minutes :-)
You can directly include the <Profiler> option in your <ABLUnit> target
I have used <profiler> option directly but still i am getting error: "ablunit doesn't support the nested "Profiler" element."
<ablunit dlc="${DLC_HOME}" environment="gui" printsummary="true" haltonerror="yes " haltonfailure="yes" tempdir="${basedir}">
<Profiler enabled="true" outputDir="profiler" coverage="true" listings="profiler" />
<batchtest todir="results">
<fileset dir="tests" includes="*.p" >
<pathelement path="${basedir}" />
<pathelement location="${DLC_HOME}\gui\" />
<pathelement location="${DLC_HOME}\gui\" />
<Profiler enabled="true" outputDir="profiler" coverage="true" listings="profiler" />
Getting Error:
"ablunit doesn't support the nested "Profiler" element."
You're probably using the ABLUnit task from Progress Developer Studio, not the one from PCT. Profiler is only supported under PCT.