ABL Web Service Calls

Posted by Tony on 13-Jul-2016 23:36

Hi there,

Has anyone come across this error message:

Error receiveing Web Service Response: Wrong member during the '[null]{http:foo.com.au/}' unwrapped sequence deserialization.

We use CONNECT( -WSDL ...... --nohostverify -nosessionreuse) to connect to the wsdl and the run a specific service.

eg RUN GetPartnerDetails in hSOAPservice

(input ...

output ...).

The best answers i could find in the KB was in article 000057949. Which basicall says the 4GL client can not deal with HTTP response with "Content-Encoding: gzip".

Any help appreciated,


All Replies

Posted by hmariwa on 14-Jul-2016 10:37

Hi Tony,

The error you got  can also be due to missing/wrong  namespace .

If you can , you should try to process the WSDL URL using 'WSDL2Java'  tool(it is available on both Window & UNIX)

Try running: WSDL2Java  "your WSDL URL" .  If you get the same error then there is a problem with the WSDL file.

Meanwhile, If you can send us the  WSDL URL or  file and  I can try to pinpoint the issue.



Posted by Tony on 14-Jul-2016 19:42

Thanks for the info Heri.

Here's the URL for the WSDL.   webservice.ngr.com.au/NGRWebService.asmx

Posted by hmariwa on 18-Jul-2016 11:28

Hi Tony,
I was able to confirm that the WSDL file is fine, and that the ABL client was successfully able to process the response from
‘PartnershipDetails’ operation.
Just to confirm that the failure is due to with "Content-Encoding: gzip". We can try to log HTTP responses by temporarily replacing
existing  $DLC/properties/ transport.xml with the attached one. (the customer should make sure to backup the existing $DLC/properties/transport.xml).
Log files: chttp.in & chttp.out will be produced.
Also, assuming the issue is due to “Content-Encoding: gzip" being sent, per HTTP protocol most the servers will only send compressed
response if the client has explicitly stated they do accept it by including “Accept-encoding:gzip” in the request header.

Posted by Tony on 18-Jul-2016 16:53

Hi Heri,

Thank you for the assistance with this issue. The log file are of great help. It does show me that the response messages are NOT gzip'd as I had thought and was hoping to be the issue.

I can see that the response is "Transfer-Encoding: chunked". Do you have an email i could send you my source code that I'm using to test with.


Posted by hmariwa on 04-Aug-2016 09:21

Hi Tony,

I am very sorry didn't see your response in my inbox!. It looks like the issue is already being logged to tech support team.



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