-clientlog option

Posted by Riverside Software on 17-May-2016 08:32


When using the -clientlog parameter, a message "Logging level set to =1" is written every time a session is started. Is it possible to disable this message ?


Posted by Garry Hall on 17-May-2016 09:32

I suspected that would be the next question. If you specify -logentrytypes, you will get the second message you don't want to see.

Maybe we should go back to your use case for the -clientlog file. If you are using it just for your own logging (i.e. LOG-MANAGER:WRITE-MESSAGE), then starting with -logginglevel 0 and no -logentryrtypes will not display these lines. But the log will also only display your custom messages, and nothing else. Your own messages will appear because LOG-MANAGER currently does not provide a logging level for WRITE-MESSAGE (there are plans afoot to change that).

All Replies

Posted by Garry Hall on 17-May-2016 08:49

The only way to suppress the message is to use -logginglevel 0. You then have to specify the logging level for each individual logentrytype you want e.g.

prowin32.exe -clientlog log.txt -logginglevel 0 -logentrytypes "4GLTRACE:3,PROEVENTS.*:4,DYNOBJECTS.*:4"

Posted by Riverside Software on 17-May-2016 09:17

Didn't know -logginglevel could be set to 0, might be useful in some scripts.

But if I then specify -logentrytypes "4GLTrace:3", I'm getting a line with "Log entry types activated: 4GLTrace:3", so back to the first question... I just would like to get rid of all those lines in my log files, which don't provide a lot of value (at least in this case), but I won't cry if that's not possible !

Posted by Garry Hall on 17-May-2016 09:32

I suspected that would be the next question. If you specify -logentrytypes, you will get the second message you don't want to see.

Maybe we should go back to your use case for the -clientlog file. If you are using it just for your own logging (i.e. LOG-MANAGER:WRITE-MESSAGE), then starting with -logginglevel 0 and no -logentryrtypes will not display these lines. But the log will also only display your custom messages, and nothing else. Your own messages will appear because LOG-MANAGER currently does not provide a logging level for WRITE-MESSAGE (there are plans afoot to change that).

Posted by Riverside Software on 17-May-2016 09:39

Thanks Gary.

+1 (or much more) for the ability to provide a logging level in WRITE-MESSAGE !

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