ABLDoc custom tag parser

Posted by Blake Stanford on 08-Mar-2016 07:41

Our source code files have file comments which don't match the format used by the tag parser and we have additional info in our purpose comments we would like in the output document.  I've tried to follow the documentation for changing the tag parser, but I haven't been successful with it.  I looked at the white paper for setting up a java style comment tag parser, again not successful.  Does anyone have examples of a custom comment tag parser for ABLDoc?  



All Replies

Posted by Jean Richert on 10-Mar-2016 03:04

Hi Blake,

I'm not an ABLDoc tag parser expert but just wanted to ask a couple of questions that may help others when trying to assist you.

You said you followed the doc. Is this the doc you're referring to:


Also the whitepaper you also followed, is it this one:



Posted by srireddy on 10-Mar-2016 03:23

Hi Blake,

ABLDoc by default understands comments generated by Progress Developer Studio, to support new comment format the default tag parser has to be extended, this white paper (https://community.progress.com/community_groups/openedge_development/m/documents/1957) has an example which shows how you can include the Java comment tag parser into Progress developer studio, and also source for the Java tag parser is available here.

Can you please tell us what issues did you face?


Nischal Y

Posted by jquerijero on 31-Jan-2017 15:23

How about writing a custom parser? Where do you put the code in your PDSOE project heirarchy? The help documentation doesn't help much.

I feels like there is good chunk of instruction/information left out in between steps 1 and 2.

1. Copy the abldoc-core.jar file from {DLC_HOME}\oeide\eclipse\plugins\com.progress.openedge.pdt.abldoc.core_11.5.0.00\lib into an Eclipse project or a folder.

2. Create a class that implements the ITagParser interface (available in the abldoc-core.jar file)

Posted by jquerijero on 31-Jan-2017 16:16

What is the relationship between the custom-comment-parser.jar and JavaStyleCommentParser.java? Can you just modify JavaStyleCommentParser.java for other format?

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