Restful WS calls round trip

Posted by ctoman on 23-Feb-2016 07:29

How to measure restful ws calls round trip.  I'm using Tim Kuehn log-manager-report, however, im trying understand the output.

All Replies

Posted by Tim Kuehn on 23-Feb-2016 07:51

Glad to see this code is getting some use. What part of this report are you having difficulty with?

Posted by ctoman on 23-Feb-2016 08:29

Hi Tim,

I think this report will come in handy.

The TimeDiff column, is that the total time it took to complete that request?

52 16/02/22 06:52:06.155 * 115 23805.51 3 -- TRACE: Non-PERSISTENT Procedure 'wspostparmrest.p' START. (5498)

53 16/02/22 06:52:06.270 * 186924 23992.434 3 -- TRACE: Non-PERSISTENT Procedure END SUCCESS. (8397)

Posted by Tim Kuehn on 23-Feb-2016 08:46

If you look at the original logs you'll see each line has a time stamp.The "time diff" column in the report is the difference between the time reported on one line and the next, and that generally corresponds to the time to complete the statement.

One 'gotcha' is when the code encounters a UI and stops for user input - that can seem a lot longer and more significant than it really is.

Posted by ctoman on 23-Feb-2016 08:47

Looks like the row with the "START" is the duration of the WS call?

Posted by ctoman on 23-Feb-2016 08:59

for ex:

07:02:00.351 * 2974 2.974 TRACE: Non-PERSISTENT Procedure 'wspostparmrest.p' START. (5498)

07:02:03.325 * 223895 223.895 TRACE: Non-PERSISTENT Procedure END SUCCESS. (8397)

so the START took 2.9 seconds to start and the END took 223.895 seconds

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