PDSOE stuck in validation

Posted by bronco on 19-Feb-2016 01:36

11.6 32-bit. I have a project with REST services and every time I open the project the Progress View displays that it is stuck in validating the project. It hangs on /<project>/REST/WEB-INF/mvc-dispatch-context.xml

The project originated from 11.3.

Does anyone know how to solve this?

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Posted by DivyaTheja on 19-Feb-2016 01:56

From Window-> Preferences->Validation, disable validation for XML files.
This disables validating XML files in your rest project.

Hope this helps,
On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 1:07 PM, bronco <bounce-bfvflusso@community.progress.com> wrote:

 Update from Progress Community

11.6 32-bit. I have a project with REST services and every time I open the project the Progress View displays that it is stuck in validating the project. It hangs on /<project>/REST/WEB-INF/mvc-dispatch-context.xml

The project originated from 11.3.

Does anyone know how to solve this?

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Posted by bronco on 19-Feb-2016 07:35

Ok, not validating seems to at least not lock up my environment. Remains the question why the xml didn't validate (or got stuck)

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