I am trying to install open Edge 10.2a on windows server 2008 R2(64-bit) however i am facing some issue while running hot_fix as openEdge 10.2a is not installed and even Open Edge 10.2a registry not found please let me know if I use Open Edge Explorer instead of Progress Explorer will these work...? and will it help me so that registry will be created
Please let me know if anyone knows how to install open Edge 10.2a on windows server 2008R2 or windows server 2012 R2 [:^)]
Any specific questions?
Hi I am trying to install open Edge 10.2A on windows server 2008 R2 however I am unable to install because Progress Explorer is not installed properly and registry is not created so it shows error as open Edge 10.2a registry not found
please let me know if any one have solution to install open edge 10.2a on windows server 2008 r2
I have open Edge 10.2A will you please help me to know what OS is needed if I want to install Open Edge 10.2A...?
will it work for windows server 2003
nearly the same post as community.progress.com/.../80740. Please don't duplicate posts, add extra info to the original one
Hi all, a quick note to let people reading this thread know that as we had 4 threads for the very same question, I just merged all of them into this one...
This is really painful. I could understand that if you realize you don't get any relies because you posted to the wrong forum you start cross-posting.
But this guy started new threads in other forums after he got all the replies he could get. He won't get more comfortable answers in other forums either.