Showroom image Development, AppServer and DB password for ad

Posted by Piotr Dusinski on 07-Dec-2015 16:08

I am running virtual machine from Amazon clound

I want to test Progrees licency but Windows asked me about password for Administrator account. 

I don't know what a password. I inserted my which I use for but it is different.

Am I ask for tips?


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Posted by Jean Richert on 08-Dec-2015 16:43

Hi Piotr,

The Administrator password is no available to customers in the Arcade Showroom.  If you need to know what is on the machine, the showroom images have all the current licensing which will expire no later than 90 days. I believe if you try to run the “showcfg” command we ask for the Administrator password.

Posted by Piotr Dusinski on 09-Dec-2015 16:25

Hi Jean!

I ask for password because I need to change firewall settings.

Admin rights are required.

On VM I try to do lessons from youtube. I have to set in OpenEdge preferences -> mobile app builder, but it says

"login failed", I am sure I set ok.

I don't have any idea to login, only firewall in amazon cloud can block port required for login process.

Thank you!


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