Performance hit after upgrading from 10.2.B to 11.5 on DB &a

Posted by GarthBond on 01-Oct-2015 02:04

Hi Folks,

We have just switched over and upgraded our Data Center from 10.2.B to 11.5. I.e. upgraded our AppServer and Database server. 

Although we are busy with Month-End processes, which is our busiest times, our entire system was very slow and unresponsive. What we did notice is the IO to our SAN system was maxing out and we are ,looking at ways to split the IO traffic,

I have two questions, namely:-

  1. Has anyone experience a degradation in performance after upgrading from 10.2.B to 11.5 and if so, were you able to isolate what caused the degradation.
  2. Can someone point me to a good reference document on High_Availability and the various options available to Progress based platforms?

Please advise


All Replies

Posted by James Palmer on 01-Oct-2015 02:22

Did you change anything else other than Progress version?

Posted by GarthBond on 01-Oct-2015 02:59

Went from 32-bit to 64-bit on the DB & AppServer and changed the Webclient to 11.5 but the 32-bit version.

We also introduced SmartComponents to the mix as the new framework that all the modernisation refactoring is now using, so there is a Smart DB included at the client side.

That's about it.



Posted by Tim Kuehn on 01-Oct-2015 03:22

What we did notice is the IO to our SAN system was maxing out

Fix this problem first and go from there. 

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