OE10.2B DB to MS SQL Server Conversion Client (Not Respondin

Posted by Tai Li on 01-Sep-2015 22:53

Hi All,

My environment is on Windows 8.1 (64-bit), installed with OE10.2B (32-bit) using OE DataServer for MS SQL Server trial license.

I was following this post, 'CONVERSION OF A PROGRESS v10 DATABASE TO SQL SERVER' and PKB article, 'How to migrate a Progress database to MS SQL Server using Progress Utility (embedded video)'.

In summary,

  • Created a blank MS SQL database
  • Created ODBC DSN (32-bit) (pointing to the blank MS SQL database)

These are my settings:

Progress Client hanged on the screen where stating 'Please wait while information is gathered from the MSS schema'.

What could be the cause?

Thank you.

All Replies

Posted by Ruben Dröge on 02-Sep-2015 02:22

Is the OpenEdge database running, then you can connect to it networked (using host name and service name) and you should select 'Multiple users'. If it's not running please check the video again and as you can see it connects to the database in single user mode (-1).

Please also check whether you can connect successfully to your (64-bit?) SQL database using a 32-bit client.

Posted by Tai Li on 02-Sep-2015 03:07

Hi [mention:6b56c5530af84a4e8ef6e3ef3a9192ce:e9ed411860ed4f2ba0265705b8793d05], thanks for your quick response. Yes, OE DB is running. Yes, the video stated connection to single user mode, but isn't it the same as unchecking the 'Multiple Users' checkbox (correct me if I'm wrong)?

Meantime let me verify if a 32-bit client is able to connect to MS SQL 64-bit.


Posted by Ruben Dröge on 02-Sep-2015 03:29

Documentation (documentation.progress.com/.../index.html) also states that you should either start database in single-user mode OR read-only mode.

What happens if you connect to the database the way you did before, but now with -RO in the 'Other CONNECT Statement Parameters' section? Does the error still occur?

Posted by Paul Koufalis on 02-Sep-2015 07:55

You don't need single user nor -RO. Connecting to the SH in multi-user is perfectly legit.

Here is a short check-list to start you off:

1. Make sure you can talk to the MS SQL DB using an ODBC DSN. If you can't connect using ODBC it *may* point to a configuration error.

2. Make sure the user sqluser has sufficient rights in the MS SQL DB. See knowledgebase.progress.com/.../000050107

3. Create a schema holder DB without the conversion stuff: knowledgebase.progress.com/.../P23300

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