No Pacific Application Server instance (oepas1) in new OE11.

Posted by Andrzej_Sz on 14-Aug-2015 07:44

I've installed OE Dev Studio 64-bit and I can't see Pacific Server instance (oepas1) in OE Explorer. During install process I've specified default Pacific ports. Is that mean I have no access to Pacific Server ? I need it for my first Telerik experiments.

All Replies

Posted by Irfan on 14-Aug-2015 07:48


Is the instance created in your WRKDIR after installation

Posted by Andrzej_Sz on 14-Aug-2015 07:58

No it wasn't.

Posted by David Cleary on 14-Aug-2015 08:16

Please attach the *.log files found in $DLC/install.
From: Andrzej_Sz []
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 8:59 AM
Subject: RE: [Technical Users - OE General] No Pacific Application Server instance (oepas1) in new OE11.5.1 64-bit installation

Flag this post as spam/abuse.


Posted by Irfan on 14-Aug-2015 08:16

Seems like the installation failed to create the instance. Can you please send openedge_tailor,openedge_tailor_stderr and tcman_create logs in $DLC/install location

Posted by Andrzej_Sz on 14-Aug-2015 08:36


info: command line options: -v -Z dev -M -O -X C:\OE11\OpenEdge\jdk -D C:\OE11\OpenEdge -W C:\OE11wrk\WRK  
info: Tailoring arguments: '-v -Z dev -M -O -X C:\OE11\OpenEdge\jdk -D C:\OE11\OpenEdge -W C:\OE11wrk\WRK'
info: running tailor functions( pasTailor pasoeTailor )
info: tailoring server installed at location: C:\OE11\OpenEdge\servers\pasoe
info: verifying server directories at: C:\OE11\OpenEdge\servers\pasoe
info: verifying server scripts at: C:\OE11\OpenEdge\servers\pasoe\bin
info: verifying server configuration files at: C:\OE11\OpenEdge\servers\pasoe\conf
info: resolving server home directory...

info: Begin tailoring core Progress Application Server
info: tailoring CATALINA_HOME in server scripts at: C:\OE11\OpenEdge\servers\pasoe\bin
info: updating PAS version
info: tailoring the server's installation platform
info: tailoring the servers network ports
info: updating tailoring time in pas_tailor.txt
info: tailoring JAVA_HOME configuration with - C:\OE11\OpenEdge\jdk
info: Tailoring Windows security is not supported

info: Begin tailoring OpenEdge plugin to Progress Application Server
info: verifying OpenEdge DLC and WRKDIR paths
info: verifying OpenEdge directories at: C:\OE11\OpenEdge\servers\pasoe
info: verifying OpenEdge scripts at: \bin
info: verifying OpenEdge configuration files at: C:\OE11\OpenEdge\servers\pasoe\conf
info: tailoring CATALINA_HOME in OpenEdge scripts at: C:\OE11\OpenEdge\servers\pasoe\bin
info: tailoring DLC in OpenEdge scripts at: C:\OE11\OpenEdge\servers\pasoe\bin
info: tailoring WRKDIR in OpenEdge scripts at: C:\OE11\OpenEdge\servers\pasoe\bin
info: updating Java configuration to use OpenEdge JDK/JRE: C:\OE11\OpenEdge\servers\pasoe\bin\javacfg.bat
info: tailoring OpenEdge lib extensions for version: 1.1.1
info: deploying the OEABL service web application
info: replacing default ROOT application with OpenEdge OEABL
info: deploying OEABL to web application ROOT
info: enabling the OpenEdge naming service
info: enabling the OpenEdge lifecycle service
info: The OpenEdge remote administration manager is already deployed
info: updated https protcol list in C:\OE11\OpenEdge\servers\pasoe\conf\ - SSLv2Hello,TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2
info: The Tomcat remote administration manager is already deployed
info: Updating registered instances
info: Updating existing instances found in C:\OE11\OpenEdge\servers\pasoe\conf\
info: No instances found


"empty file"


info: executing create Tomcat instance command
Exception: The term 'netstat' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
in createCmd at line :
Exiting with fatal exception condition


"empty file"

Posted by Roy Ellis on 14-Aug-2015 09:09

Looks like you may have an older version of Windows Powershell?  To verify the version you can open Windows Powershell and type (or cut and paste):


I believe we need version Major version 4.  Please upgrade your Powershell version and the run this command from the "proenv" command window:

pasman create %WRKDIR%\oepas1

This should create the oepas1 instance you are expecting without having to reinstall.

Let us know how you do or if you have further questions or problems,


Posted by Irfan on 14-Aug-2015 09:15

If it is not the powershell version problem, then I suspect it to be the with your user privileges on the machine  because it seems to be failing as "netstat" command could not  be run.  

Posted by Andrzej_Sz on 14-Aug-2015 09:25

I used Windows 7 Professional with administrator  privileges and run SETUP as 'administrator'.

Posted by Andrzej_Sz on 14-Aug-2015 11:14

There is no Windows Powershell in my computer.

Posted by Irfan on 14-Aug-2015 11:16

Okay, as mentioned by Roy did you try to verify if your powershell version is more than 4

Posted by Roy Ellis on 14-Aug-2015 11:20

Powershell is required for PASOE.  Can you download the latest version from Microsoft and try again?

Thanks, Roy

Posted by Ruben Dröge on 14-Aug-2015 11:20

Is your c:\windows\system32\ folder present in your PATH system variable?

Posted by Irfan on 14-Aug-2015 11:21

You need to have powershell, please install powershell version 3 or above


Windows PowerShell

Copyright (C) 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\isyed> $PSVersionTable.PSVersion

Major  Minor  Build  Revision

-----  -----  -----  --------

3      0      -1     -1

Posted by Irfan on 14-Aug-2015 11:29

You might also want to check if your "netstat" is working correctly from your command prompt.

Posted by Andrzej_Sz on 14-Aug-2015 12:44

I've installed PowerShell 4 and created Pacific Server without reinstallation (pasman create %WRKDIR%\oepas1). Now I can move in my Telerik demo studies

Thank you Roy, thank you Irfan.



Posted by Andrzej_Sz on 17-Aug-2015 10:01

The next problem with PAS is: I can't start oepas1 service because of error - "Starting oepas1 in xxx.oepas1 (pacific Application Server for OpenEdge 11.5) has encountered a problem. Server oepas1 in xps.oepas1 (Pacific Application Server for OpenEdge 11.5) failed to start. "

Posted by Irfan on 17-Aug-2015 10:07

Can you please share oepas1 agent log. You can find the log in $WRKDIR/oepas1/logs/oepas1.agent.log

It give give us some information on why it did not start

Posted by Andrzej_Sz on 17-Aug-2015 10:21

The catalog is empty.

Posted by Irfan on 17-Aug-2015 10:53

No logs at all ?

Posted by Andrzej_Sz on 17-Aug-2015 10:59

Yes. Studio is trying to run server for few minutes. Then diplays error message.

Posted by Irfan on 17-Aug-2015 11:53

To know if the problem is with the Pacific Appserver, can you try starting the instance from proenv

First clear all your olds if created for the instance.

In proenv type

pasman clean -I oepas1

Now start your instance

pasman start -I oepas1

Note: -I means -(captial i)

then you can look at the logs in $WRKDIR/oepas1/logs to see if it shows up any error in the agent or the server logs if  the instance does not start

Posted by Andrzej_Sz on 17-Aug-2015 12:10

ERROR from "run as administrator" context:

Exception: The term 'cmd.exe' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try startupCmd at line :

Exiting with fatal exception condition


ERROR from user adm context:

cat : Access denied to path "C:\OE11\OpenEdge\servers\pasoe\conf\".

At C:\OE11\OpenEdge\servers\pasoe\bin\tcmanager.ps1:1572 char:19

+         $_tmp= $( cat $script:_instlist | %{

+                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

   + CategoryInfo          : PermissionDenied: (C:\OE11\

  dows:String) [Get-Content], UnauthorizedAccessException

   + FullyQualifiedErrorId : GetContentReaderUnauthorizedAccessError,Microsof


The instance alias name not registered - oepas1

Posted by Irfan on 17-Aug-2015 13:09

So when did this exception occur ? I am not sure why you see access denied errors when you are running with Administrative privileges

Posted by Andrzej_Sz on 17-Aug-2015 13:26

After "pasman start" command in proenv (run as ...). In the first context "current directory" is "C:\Windows\system32", in second - "C:\OE11wrk\WRK".

Posted by Andrzej_Sz on 18-Aug-2015 09:57

The term 'netstat' is not recognized by PowerShell 4.0. Are you sure, it is suitable for OE11.5 (see previous "logs") ?

Posted by Irfan on 18-Aug-2015 10:01

"netstat" need to work, please check why is it not working

Posted by Andrzej_Sz on 18-Aug-2015 10:08

I called Powershell_4.0 and tried to run "netstat" - it is not recognized. Is it recognized by PowerShell_3.0 ?

Posted by Irfan on 18-Aug-2015 10:27

it should work for both the versions

Posted by Andrzej_Sz on 18-Aug-2015 11:24

Could you review the screen view I added ?

Posted by TheMadDBA on 18-Aug-2015 11:31

Check your path to make sure c:\windows\system32 is included. Also check to make sure netstat is actually installed on your PC by searching under system32.

Something is messed up with your Windows install.

Posted by Andrzej_Sz on 18-Aug-2015 12:20

I can run 'netstat' from cmd.exe, netstat.exe is available in c:\windows\system32 path. Could you help me with checking the path included ? Do you mean "system environment variable" PATH ?

Posted by TheMadDBA on 18-Aug-2015 13:27

Yes... the windows PATH environment variable. You need to verify that it is correct using control panel.

You also need to verify what the PATH is set to once you are in PowerShell.

Posted by Brian K. Maher on 18-Aug-2015 13:38

Also, remember that on a 64 bit Windows OS the \windows\system32 directory is for 64 bit executables only and \windows\sysWOW64 is for 32 bit executables. 
32 bit executables copied into \windows\system32 will not be seen by 32 bit processes.

Posted by Andrzej_Sz on 18-Aug-2015 15:22

I modified PATH variable and started service. Thank you for all suggestions and support.

Now the problem is with publishing mobile service. I'm not sure I can present it in this group ...Embarrassed

Next error message is: "Server returned 403 Forbidden for https://localhost:8443/oemanager/applications/oepas1/webapps/Sports/transports/rest/oeservices with an HTML response".

Posted by Irfan on 18-Aug-2015 16:31

Your URL is wrong. It should not have "transports"  in your URL.  "Sports" is your Application name, "rest" is your transport and "oeservices" is your Service name

It should be something like https://localhost:8443/oemanager/applications/oepas1/webapps/Sports/rest/oeservices

Posted by Irfan on 18-Aug-2015 16:36

Sorry, made a mistake copy pasting the URL - https://localhost:8443/Sports/rest/oeservice

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