Prolint for Openedge 11.5 32bit

Posted by karthiksp143 on 13-Aug-2015 15:38

Hi All,

I've managed to get prolint running on a 11.3.2 version of Progress but when I follow the exact same instructions and apply it to my 11.5 version of OpenEdge it falls over with "Could not find class or interface org.prorefactor.core.JPNode (12886)." I used latest assembiles files avail in proparse website.

Am I missing something obvious?

Thanks, Karthik

All Replies

Posted by Martha Lynch on 18-Aug-2015 12:33

Hello Karthik.

 Since Prolint is a 3rd party tool, we in OpenEdge Development can't help you with this one.  Perhaps another member of the Community can offer some advise.


Posted by cverbiest on 18-Aug-2015 23:42

Hi Karthik,

AFAIK the error indicates something wrong with the assemblies you use.

Can you double check your assembly settings and files ?

Have you tried it with the assemblies you used with 11.3 ?

Is it still working in oe11.3 ?

If you start a session with exactly the same settings as your 11.3 session and change ONLY the prowin32 to the oe11.5  use does it work then ?

What are the settings you use ?

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 19-Aug-2015 09:08

Here if the ProLint forum

Did you unblock the assemblies?  See Proparse Installation here

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