Recovery after power cut

Posted by Madaks06 on 03-Aug-2015 01:56

Hello please can you help me out on this one..

After a power cut PROGRESS 9.0A database wont open but displays messages 1886, 1887.& 1888.
How do we recover the database? 

The database was in multi user mode.

thank you..

All Replies

Posted by on 03-Aug-2015 02:13

Hi ,

Did you try to restart the database . if not  remove .lk file and try to restart the database , this will bring the database to consistant mode.

Posted by Madaks06 on 04-Aug-2015 15:38

Thank you very much .. It's Now giving message 886, 887 and 888.

Posted by OctavioOlguin on 04-Aug-2015 15:51

You databse felt in a situation where progress is having problems with the file system, and it won't let the databse sever take care of integrity...

first thing and be sure you won't skip it...   backup your current  files that form your database...  these are several files...

you can copy the whole directory by os tools to another place...please don't miss this step.

Then apply

to your databse.. and after that be shure to dump and load the data to a new database...

If I have problems being clear for you to understand, please ask again... it is crucial you are doing this. and be sure to backup the current state of database,

Posted by George Potemkin on 04-Aug-2015 23:38

** The database was last used <date/time>. (886)
** The before-image file expected <date/time>. (887)
** Those dates don't match, so you have the wrong copy of one of them. (888)

It was very bad advice to remove the .lk file and the messages you got are just the results of that.

The messages 1886, 1887.& 1888 mean that you was trying to start a Progress schema holder for Oracle database. Most likely you have a copy of this database. Schema holder does not contain data. You can replace the corrupted database by its old copy. Or build new schema holder from a scratch. Or "repair" the existent copy.

Posted by Madaks06 on 05-Aug-2015 13:26

Thank you all.. Is there a quick way of resolving this problem as my database has Been down for days..

Posted by George Potemkin on 05-Aug-2015 13:53

It would be rather risky to offer a solution without knowing the details. Can you confirm that it's just a schema holder?

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 05-Aug-2015 14:16

The fastest way to confidently get back running would be to immediately engage a competent consultant to guide you through the details.

Posted by TheMadDBA on 05-Aug-2015 15:16

Ugh... removing a lock file is not something to be suggested lightly.  I wish people would stop even suggesting that without knowing what the true state of a database is.

If you need it back quickly you are going to need to pay someone to go step through step.

If you are willing to provide many more details I am sure a few of us will attempt to help as schedules allow. But it seems you don't know a lot about the installation and workings of the system.

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