Invitation to join the Business Entity specification project

Posted by Mike Fechner on 31-Jul-2015 11:52

Dear Communities members,

I am delighted to announce that the CCS Steering Committee has accepted the specification proposal for “Business Entities”. The Business Entity has since the beginning of the OpenEdge Reference Architecture been a key element for data access and processing but has never been specified to a degree allowing both developers of consumers (software components accessing Business Entities) and Business Entities to have a common understanding about the functionality and interfaces of a Business Entity.

However in the recent past various Progress Software products such as OpenEdge Mobile, Rollbase, Telerik Kendo UI/Mobile, the JSDO and Data Direct OpenAccess SDK provide certain out of the box functionality in interacting with Business Entities. So having a common understanding between Progress Software and among customers about the functionality and interfaces of the Business Entity seems very beneficial and urgently required for any modernization project and framework to allow to align with the Progress Software and Telerik tool development.

The specification should take the requirements of the above mentioned Progress Software products into account.
In order to join the “Business Entity Specification” project team you need to be a member/participant of the CCS. You will find more information about the CCS under this link:

The invitation period opens today and will end on August 13, 2015.

As a member of the CCS, see more at:

If you are interested in joining the project team or have any questions or concerns, please email me at

With best regards,

Mike Fechner

All Replies

Posted by Mike Fechner on 31-Jul-2015 11:56

Currently there is also another specification project looking for participants: Shelley Chase is leading the "big picture" or umbrella spcification project. Goal of that project is to define the various components that should be part of version 1.0 of the architecture. More in the CCS forum...

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