What SVN you can recommend to work in OE Dev Studio environment: Tortoise, Subversive by Polarion, Subclipse, other?
Or maybe Git?
Thank you.
Not so good experience with SVN.
If you use svn, I found best results with Subclipse plugin + Tortoise to fix conflicts Subclipse can't handle.
No real experience with git yet.
I dislike that the git plugin forces you to keep the sources out of the workspace. see stackoverflow.com/.../eclipse-egit-clone-project-into-workspace. It's probably a good practice but I don't like to be forced to change my workspace setup
my 2c: skip SVN, pick either Git or Mercurial. Mercurial is my favorite but I seem to be the minority.
I use the Subclipse plugin, never had any issues
Thanks for your opinions. Nobody has experience with Subversive?
> Nobody has experience with Subversive?
Only briefly had some issues but can't remember which.