Tip: rename OpenEdge shortcuts on windows to show version

Posted by cverbiest on 15-Apr-2015 05:21

With multiple progress versions on one windows machine it's difficult to select the correct shortcuts.

I used the following powershell command to rename those shortcuts.

1. make sure you have write permissions on the shortcut folder.

2. start a powershell in that folder

3. Execute following statement, change the replace pattern with the correct version

dir *.lnk | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.Name -replace '.lnk',' 11.5 (32-bit).lnk' }


> dir

    Directory: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Progress\OpenEdge 11.5 (32-bit)

Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
----                -------------     ------ ----
-a---        29/01/2015     11:07       1671 Add Components.lnk
-a---        29/01/2015     11:07       1764 AppBuilder.lnk


-a---        29/01/2015     11:07       2668 Uninstall OpenEdge.lnk
-a---        29/01/2015     11:07       1802 Version Info.lnk

> dir *.lnk | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.Name -replace '.lnk',' 11.5 (32-bit).lnk' }
> dir

    Directory: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Progress\OpenEdge 11.5 (32-bit)

Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
----                -------------     ------ ----
-a---        29/01/2015     11:07       1671 Add Components 11.5 (32-bit).lnk
-a---        29/01/2015     11:07       1764 AppBuilder 11.5 (32-bit).lnk

-a---        29/01/2015     11:07       2668 Uninstall OpenEdge 11.5 (32-bit).lnk
-a---        29/01/2015     11:07       1802 Version Info 11.5 (32-bit).lnk

All Replies

Posted by Simon L. Prinsloo on 15-Apr-2015 05:49

Hi Carl

This is most useful! Thanks!

Posted by cverbiest on 15-Apr-2015 07:37

A picture says more than a thousand words

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