Host webclient on Linux

Posted by Arno van der Ende on 09-Mar-2015 05:08


One of our customers is migrating from 10.2B to 11.5. One of the current servers is a Windows 2003 server which is the host for the Webclient. On this machine, the Windows sources are compiled and the webclient package is created.

The main server, where the AppServer is located is a Red Hat Linux server 64bit. On this machine OE11.5 64bit will be installed. The clients will install a OE11.5 Webclient 32bit version.

Is it possible that the Linux server will be the host for the webclient package?

Are Linux *.r and Windows *.r compatible? So can we get rid of the compile task on Windows? If yes, then we probably need to compile on Linux with a 32bit installation of OE?

- Arno

All Replies

Posted by Libor Laubacher on 09-Mar-2015 05:16

Ø  Are Linux *.r and Windows *.r compatible?

They are for/in 11.5
But you would still need to package the app on Windows I believe. So you might want to compile there, package the app and then move it to the Linux box.
From: a.vanderende []
Sent: Monday, March 9, 2015 11:10 AM
Subject: [Technical Users - OE General] Host webclient on Linux
Thread created by a.vanderende


One of our customers is migrating from 10.2B to 11.5. One of the current servers is a Windows 2003 server which is the host for the Webclient. On this machine, the Windows sources are compiled and the webclient package is created.

The main server, where the AppServer is located is a Red Hat Linux server 64bit. On this machine OE11.5 64bit will be installed. The clients will install a OE11.5 Webclient 32bit version.

Is it possible that the Linux server will be the host for the webclient package?

Are Linux *.r and Windows *.r compatible? So can we get rid of the compile task on Windows? If yes, then we probably need to compile on Linux with a 32bit installation of OE?

- Arno

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Posted by Matt Gilarde on 09-Mar-2015 05:48

R-code compiled with a 32-bit OE compiler will run in a 64-bit runtime (AppServer, client, etc.). The opposite is also true: r-code compiled with a 64-bit OE compiler will run in a 32-bit runtime. However, you can't mix display types. If the r-code is compiled with a character-based OE compiler (_progres) and the ABL code contains DISPLAY statements or other statements which use frames, the r-code will only run in a character-based client. R-code that you will run with WebClient must be compiled with a GUI--based compiler (prowin32.exe for 32-bit).

What this boils down to it that you can't compile your WebClient application on Linux. I will to defer to others on the question of whether you can host the WebClient package on Linux.

Posted by Garry Hall on 09-Mar-2015 07:59

You should be able to host the packaged application on Linux. The WebClient executables make HTTP requests to the server to download the application. Any web server should be able to server these.

Posted by on 09-Mar-2015 08:57

Not a problem at all. We use Tomcat on Linux, never had any problem. What is required is - create webapp and upload the .cab files generated by application assembler.

Progress manual explains the steps in detail.

If I can provide more information or if you would like to discuss any of this further please don't hesitate to contact me.

Jyoti Paikaray 
Software Architect, R&D

On 9 March 2015 at 13:00, Garry Hall <> wrote:
Reply by Garry Hall

You should be able to host the packaged application on Linux. The WebClient executables make HTTP requests to the server to download the application. Any web server should be able to server these.

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