Using .net on the pacific appserver

Posted by Darren Parr on 09-Jan-2015 12:18


We currently have some windows only backend code which runs on the appserver for authorisation with AD when deployed on a windows server. This code references .net objects. This does not seem to work. Can anyone say whether this is going to work? I'm wondering if there is a parameter somewhere which allows me to do this...


Posted by mbanks on 09-Jan-2015 12:31

.NET is currently disabled in pas for OE.   There is no parameter to enable it.  I’m not sure where this is on the Product Management priority list.
From: DarrenP []
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2015 1:19 PM
Subject: [Technical Users - OE General] Using .net on the pacific appserver
Thread created by DarrenP


We currently have some windows only backend code which runs on the appserver for authorisation with AD when deployed on a windows server. This code references .net objects. This does not seem to work. Can anyone say whether this is going to work? I'm wondering if there is a parameter somewhere which allows me to do this...


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Posted by Irfan on 12-Jan-2015 06:27

Hi Darren,

I just verified executing encrypt and decrypt functions in PAS for OE  and it worked fine in windows and linuxx86_64.

All Replies

Posted by mbanks on 09-Jan-2015 12:31

.NET is currently disabled in pas for OE.   There is no parameter to enable it.  I’m not sure where this is on the Product Management priority list.
From: DarrenP []
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2015 1:19 PM
Subject: [Technical Users - OE General] Using .net on the pacific appserver
Thread created by DarrenP


We currently have some windows only backend code which runs on the appserver for authorisation with AD when deployed on a windows server. This code references .net objects. This does not seem to work. Can anyone say whether this is going to work? I'm wondering if there is a parameter somewhere which allows me to do this...


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Posted by Darren Parr on 09-Jan-2015 12:35

Thanks for the quick response. Its fine. I only use it to query some AD stuff which I can get by having this passed in using environment variables.

Posted by Darren Parr on 09-Jan-2015 12:50

How about the OpenSSL library. We currently make use of encryption and this seems to fall over too. I'm just getting a message in the lo file saying "Unable to load ssl library (12144)". I would have thought that this would work...


Posted by Michael Jacobs on 09-Jan-2015 13:05

The ABL encrypt(), message-digest(), and key generation function in a PAS for OE session use the OpenSSL's crypto library and must work.   Based on what you are reporting we will go back and retrace the tests to verify whether we are seeing the same behavior you are.

Mike J.

Posted by Darren Parr on 09-Jan-2015 13:24

"The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performance in production environments was not found on the java.library.path". I wonder if this is the issue.

It seems to work fine on our linux box. I'm just going to put this down to developer studio.

Posted by Michael Jacobs on 09-Jan-2015 13:53

I could envision the APR error showing up if the PAS for OE server's HTTPS was configured to use the native OpenSSL libraries.  But unless you changed it manually, the PAS for OE server's HTTPS configuration is Java JSSE.   The ABL sessions ( where your business logic's encryption functions run ) is in a separate process and would not share the same OpenSSL libraries even if APR was configured in the PAS server.  

Knowing that the encryption worked in UNIX is a big help in understanding this.  So far I've kind of focused in on the PAS for OE server itself.   But you indicated that you were downloading something for developer studio - so I have to ask if the errors are showing up while using PDS OE or when you are starting and testing your application in a standalone PAS for OE server?  

Mike J.

Posted by Irfan on 12-Jan-2015 06:27

Hi Darren,

I just verified executing encrypt and decrypt functions in PAS for OE  and it worked fine in windows and linuxx86_64.

Posted by Darren Parr on 12-Jan-2015 08:31


Thanks. For some reason mine has also started working. It seems a reboot solves everything....

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