Version control and issue tracking

Posted by Simon de Kraa on 21-Dec-2014 10:58

Not sure if this is the right group but here it goes...

At the moment we use Appbuilder with Roundtable and Mantis bugtracker where we did some custom coding to link both together (auto create Roundtable tasks from Mantis things like that).

The procedure is something like:

- create and assign a task in Mantis

- check out an object in Roundtable

- do the work in Appbuilder

We are thinking about switching to the Eclipse environment, git and Jira and I am curious on how this will all link together and give the developer a similar experience.

Any input on this? Experiences? Thanks.

All Replies

Posted by Mike Fechner on 21-Dec-2014 11:05

We are working with Perforce for SCM and JIRA for issue tracking.
Key to the integration of those tools is Mylyn:
Mylyn makes (along many other things) the tickets accessible from within the IDE and when a Task is activated, it automatically creates a Change List in Perforce (similar to a Task in RTB).
As there is also a Git/Mylyn Connector ( this should also work similar in your configuration.
For getting JIRA tickets available in Mylyn install this plugin after Mylyn was installed:


Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 21-Dec-2014 20:40

You can still accomplish this same integration using the Roundtable plug-in for Eclipse while integrating with Jira (or other issue tracking tools via the Roundtable event hooks).
Jeff Ledbetter
skype: jeff.ledbetter
From: kraa []
Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2014 10:59 AM
Subject: [Technical Users - OE General] Version control and issue tracking
Thread created by kraa

Not sure if this is the right group but here it goes...

At the moment we use Appbuilder with Roundtable and Mantis bugtracker where we did some custom coding to link both together (auto create Roundtable tasks from Mantis things like that).

The procedure is something like:

- create and assign a task in Mantis

- check out an object in Roundtable

- do the work in Appbuilder

We are thinking about switching to the Eclipse environment, git and Jira and I am curious on how this will all link together and give the developer a similar experience.

Any input on this? Experiences? Thanks.

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Posted by Simon de Kraa on 23-Dec-2014 11:40

Thanks, I was more thinking about a more distributed way of version control like git. Hoping to make it easier to do the merges between the different environments/customers.

Any experiences using git?

Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 30-Dec-2014 07:27

Roundtable allows for distributed "version control" via partner sites. Not only the source is shared but all of the other meta-data as well.

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