I've installed protop v3.2e and when i run it over a base, there couple errors on the screen. The following is putty 'Printable Output' log of from-start-to-first-screen where i add \n\n before any opening bracket for readability
Have anyone faced this problem?
How critical that errors could be?
May there be some special protop comunity?
Launching ProTop for: direct /bank/progress10/e/dlc
ProTop Version 3.2e2014/09/17 11:43:11________________ ___| __ \|__ __||___ \ |__ \| |__) | __ ___ | | ___ _ __ __) | ) |___| ___/ '__/ _ \| |/ _ \| '_ \ |__ < / // _ \| | | | |
(_) | |
(_) | |_) | ___) | / /| __/|_| |_| \___/|_|\___/| .__/ |____
(_)____\___||_|Brought to you by the OpenEdge experts at:White Star Software, LLChttp://wss.comDBAppraise, LLChttp://dbappraise.comConsultingwerk Ltd.http://consultingwerk.de dot.r Ltd.http://dotr.comCopyright 2003 - 2014 Tom BascomPausing 10 second
(s). Press space bar to continue.Starting ProTop...14/09/17 11:43:17 /bank/sysmaint/protop_3.2e/etc/alert.cfg** Starting position for SUBSTRING, OVERLAY, etc. must be 1 or greater.
(82)** Invalid character in numeric input h.
(76)Invalid handle. Not initialized or points to a deleted object.
(3135)Cannot access the QUERY-CLOSE attribute because the widget does not exist.
(3140)Direct Auto Sampling JSON 313122dbLogNamedbPhysNamedbHostHit%HRCommits:TRXNew RM:rm_allocNOldest TRX:OldTRXConnections: con_totLog Reads:LogRdUndos:TRXUndoFrom RM:rm_fromRM Curr BIClstr:currBIBrokers: con_broOS Reads:OSRdLock Tbl HWM:LkTblHWMFrom Free:rm_fromFr Oldest BIClstr:oldBI4gl Servers: con_4glRec Reads:RecRdCurr # Locks:currLksExamined:rm_examinCheckpoints:chkPtsSQL Servers: con_SQLLogRd/RecRd:Log2RecModified Bufs:ModBufsFront2Bk:rm_frnt2b Curr AI Extent:ai_curr4gl Clients: con_4glLog Writes:LogWrEvicted Bufs:EvictBufsRemove Lk:rm_rmlock Curr AI Seq#:ai_seqSQL Clients: con_SQLOS Writes:OSWrEmpty AI Exts:ai_emptyApp Server: con_APSRec Creates:RecCrFull AI Exts:ai_fullBIW: con_biwRec Updates:RecUpBIAIAIW: con_aiwRec Deletes:RecDlNotes: biNotes aiNotesAPW Writes:apwWrtsAPWs: con_apwRec Locks:RecLkBIW/AIW Write% biwWrtPct aiwWrtPctAPW Write%apwWrtPctWDOG: con_wdoRec Waits:RecWtWrites to Log: biWrts aiWrtsBufs Scanned:apwBufsScaLocal: con_selIdx Blk Spl:idxBlkSpliBIW/AIW Writes: biwWrts aiwWrtsAPW Scan Wrts:apwScanWrtRemote: con_remResrc Waits:ResrcWtPartial Buf Wr: biPartWrt aiPartWrtAPW Q Wrts:apwQueWrtsBatch: con_batLatch Waits:LatchTMOBusy Buf Waits: biBusyWt aiBusyWtChkpt Q Wrts:apwChkptWrTRX: con_trxEmpty Buf Wts: biEmptyWt aiEmptyWtFlushed Bufs:bufsFlusheBlocked: con_bloInvalid handle. Not initialized or points to a deleted object.
(3135)Cannot access the QUERY-CLOSE attribute because the widget does not exist.
(3140)bank /bank/bankier/bank.501/db1/bank Local 100.00 154 0 31 4.94 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 00:00:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560) 0 0 0 0 10 1 0 0 1Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560) 0 4 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 DisabledEntry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560) -1 -1 0 0 Table Activity Tbl# Area# Table Name#RecordsTurns Create Read v Update Delete OS Read > 584 10 kurs-t0.0000000 1 10 acc-filial0.0000000 585 10 kwit-fns0.0000000 2 10 acc-ogl0.0000000 586 10 lenta-h0.0000000 3 10 acc-rep0.0000000 587 10 lenta-l0.0000000 4 10 AccOpp0.0000000 588 10 licence0.0000000 5 10 acreplace0.0000000 589 10 link_cnt_doc0.0000000 6 10 activities0.0000000 590 10 loan-acct0.0000000 7 10 addcontrol0.0000000 591 10 loan-acct-prac0.0000000 8 10 adr-a0.0000000 592 10 loan-acct-saldo0.0000000 9 10 adr-name0.0000000 Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560)Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560)Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560)Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560)Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560)Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560)Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560)Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560)Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560) User IO Activity Usr# NamePIDFlags Blk Ac v OS Rd OS Wr Hit% Rec Lck Rec Wts Line# Program Name > 13 2837715228377152 S9900 100.00%200 BROK11862166 O000 0.00%005 APW9961642 O000 0.00%006 APW14417976 O000 0.00%007 APW11206758 O000 0.00%008 APW14352456 O000 0.00%009 BIW30670968 O000 0.00%00 10 WDOG22610110 O000 0.00%00 11 2123390621233906 SB000 0.00%00 12 kulipano25755894 S000 0.00%0063Enter data or press F4 to end.Invalid handle. Not initialized or points to a deleted object.
(3135)Cannot access the QUERY-CLOSE attribute because the widget does not exist.
(3140) 42 00.000Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560)Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560)Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560)Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560)Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560) > 651 10 loan-limit-data0.000000068 10 bki-sprm0.0000000652 10 loan-main0.000000069 10 bki-sver0.0000000653 10 loan-main-com0.000000070 10 blok-type0.0000000654 10 loan-mandatory-fields0.000000071 10 blokada0.0000000655 10 loan-mortgage0.000000072 10 bo-tree0.0000000656 10 loan-mortgage-data0.000000073 10 bo-value0.0000000657 10 loan-mortgage-main0.000000074 10 br-parm0.0000000658 10 loan-mortgage-type0.000000075 10 br-sublim0.0000000659 10 loan-number0.000000076 10 br-waluta0.0000000 651 10 loan-limit-data 0.00 0 0 0 0 0> > Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560)Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560)Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560)Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560)Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560)Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560)Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560)Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560)Entry 2 is outside the range of list .
(560)13 2837715228377152 S4100 100.00%000 BROK11862166 O000 0.00%005 APW9961642 O000 0.00%006 APW14417976 O000 0.00%007 APW11206758 O000 0.00%008 APW14352456 O000 0.00%009 BIW30670968 O000 0.00%0010 WDOG22610110 O000 0.00%0011 2123390621233906 SB000 0.00%0012 kulipano25755894 S000 0.00%00 13 28377152 28377152 S 41 0 0 100.00% 0 0 > User IO Activity 45 $
See the attached screenshot
This bug is the reason for ProTop 3.2f
i've download latest version i find on dbappraise.com. Where 3.2f can be found?
See the attached screenshot
Is there some sort of bug reporting for protop?