I don't have nor want cgiip, wsasp, wsisa and wsnsa messengers. How do I get rid of them from my OEM Ressources screen? You cannot delete them and I tried commenting them out of ubroker.properties.
Disable them and forget about them? Otherwise you'd need to fiddle with fathom -dump; manual work; fathom -load.
Can they be removed via mergeprop.bat -action delete ?
mergeprop just modifies the ubroker.properties right? I already did that manually but they're still in OEM. I'll try LL's suggestion.
just modifying ubroker.properties won't work as the messengers are registered as a resource in the OEM resource database, manually deleting stuff off ubroker.props does not remove stuff off OEM resource db
Don't monkey with fathom.xml. You might not get the cross references (resource monitors and such).
If you reallllyyy want to get rid of them...
Take out this section from AdminServerPlugins.properties if it is present.
# WebSpeed Messenger PlugIn
Modify $OEM/web/messengers/msngrinsthome.jsp
Add the following line into the html form:
<%= cfgbean.getStandardButtons(4) %>
Save and restart adminserver (edits may not show up if you've touched this page since they are cached if you don't restart).
Navigate to the resource page for the messenger and press delete.
Note that the above is untested, and unsupported, and your mileage will vary.
I was gonna say Matt...that's a lot of unofficial info! :-)
what did you end up doing and with what results ?
None of the above as it is not supported.