11.4 Announcement

Posted by GregHiggins on 19-Aug-2014 01:17

http://www.progress.com/~/media/Progress/Documents/Papers/ProgressOVRW_OpenEdge_11_4_Overview.pdf ends with "For more information, please visit progress.com/openedge."

which points to http://www.progress.com/products/openedge which has a Link titled "Download Product Overview" which points to http://www.progress.com/~/media/Progress/Documents/OpenEdge/DataSheets/DS_WhatsNew_OpenEdge-11-3-online.pdf .

Note that http://www.progress.com/~/media/Progress/Documents/OpenEdge/DataSheets/DS_WhatsNew_OpenEdge-11-4-online.pdf points to nothing.

All Replies

Posted by Lieven De Foor on 19-Aug-2014 02:11

I'm wondering what the "Specific customer-requested features for ABL, SQL and

Data Servers" are. Anyone from Progress care to elaborate?

Posted by Peter Judge on 22-Aug-2014 11:03

The "New and Revised Features" doc (gspub.pdf) lists them all. From that,
OpenEdge 11.4 adds support for the following features:

        Passing class-based objects between an ABL client and an AppServer on page 29

        Reading and writing ProDataSet before-image data with JSON on page 29

        GET -CLASS function on page 30

I believe that the above were asked for by customers.  
As for PDSOE, I think that the following are customer requests:

·         Exclusion of PROPATH entries from OpenEdge tooling

·         Freeform query support

·         Improved typing assistance in ABL Editor

This is all largely from my memory (so YMMV) but I'm sure we could discover it with some spelunking if there's a real need.
-- peter
From: Lieven De Foor [mailto:bounce-lievendefoormipsbe@community.progress.com]
Sent: Tuesday, 19 August, 2014 03:12
To: TU.OE.General@community.progress.com
Subject: RE: [Technical Users - OE General] 11.4 Announcement
Reply by Lieven De Foor

I'm wondering what the "Specific customer-requested features for ABL, SQL and

Data Servers" are. Anyone from Progress care to elaborate?

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