OpenEdge bash autocompletion

Posted by cverbiest on 10-Aug-2014 10:43

bash offers autocompletion as far as I know this doesn't yet exist for OpenEdge utilities such as proadsv, asbman, proutil, etc. so I started a new spare time project.

It provides bash autocompletion for some of the OpenEdge administration commands

Example, assuming /tmp/sports.db exists, typing

prou[TAB]/t[TAB]s[TAB] [TAB]tr[TAB]b[TAB]

results in

proutil /tmp/sports -C truncate bi

my plan is to add commands as I need them.

All Replies

Posted by Lieven De Foor on 13-Aug-2014 09:43


While I'm hardly doing any db administration, this is the kind of effort that's needed to drive a community site like this!

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