Developer studio 'corruption'?

Posted by Paul Radbone on 23-Apr-2014 05:00



I have been trialling Developer studio(11.2) for a few weeks.  Today, I decided to change the layout and look of a datagrid in the visual designer (no code window open).  I started to make changes and out of nowhere, I got this error:


“Unable to resolve type information for type Progress.Datnents. “


Followed by a message that Dev studio had closed the visual designer to prevent ‘corruption’.  I restarted Dev studio and the form would still not load and the code appeared to be corrupted.  Has anyone else had this issue?  I had to go to a backup and lost some of my work – so not a disaster, but not ideal!






All Replies

Posted by pkavuri on 23-Apr-2014 05:14

Can you share the assembly.xml & logs?
@Bab/Anil – it looks like an issue with TypeResolver or OTM due to missing assemblies. Can you check the logs and assemblies?
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 3:31 PM
Subject: Developer studio 'corruption'?
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I have been trialling Developer studio(11.2) for a few weeks.  Today, I decided to change the layout and look of a datagrid in the visual designer (no code window open).  I started to make changes and out of nowhere, I got this error:


“Unable to resolve type information for type Progress.Datnents. “


Followed by a message that Dev studio had closed the visual designer to prevent ‘corruption’.  I restarted Dev studio and the form would still not load and the code appeared to be corrupted.  Has anyone else had this issue?  I had to go to a backup and lost some of my work – so not a disaster, but not ideal!






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Posted by Paul Radbone on 23-Apr-2014 05:19

I've attached the assemblies.xml file to the first post.  Where are the logs located?

Posted by bab on 23-Apr-2014 05:52

u can find the logs in the following location %WORKSPACE%\.metadata\*.log files.

Posted by Paul Radbone on 23-Apr-2014 05:57

Logs attached..

Posted by Swathi Yellavaram on 24-Apr-2014 02:15

Hi Paul,

It appears that bindingSource2  is ProBindingSource control use used. Is there any possibility that the define statement of this got changed. It should be like following.

DEFINE PRIVATE VARIABLE bindingSource1 AS Progress.Data.BindingSource NO-UNDO.

Assuming code generation has changed this code when you were updating. You can open form in source view. Right click on file in Project explorer and select Open With -> OpenEdge ABL Editor and see if its the same or this got changed.

I have tried editing form with UltraGrid, UltraTree, ProBindingsource controls. Did not find any issues.

Can you please try editing again to see if this happens in specific change. Also if possible please share the project to try with that.



Posted by Paul Radbone on 24-Apr-2014 03:50


Yes, that line had changed and it looked garbled to me.  I tried changing it back to the valid statement, but the visual editor still failed on lines of automatically generated code.

I was actually changing the field sizes in an ultragrid when this happened.

could a database disconnect have caused this some how?


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