Creating a zip file by combining two existing files programm

Posted by on 21-Nov-2013 04:32


I have a situation to create a zip file using two physically stored text files in my system.
Still I'm looking for a way to do it... your valuable suggestions will help me a lot.


All Replies

Posted by Lieven De Foor on 21-Nov-2013 05:32

You could do an OS-COMMAND to run a zip executable (windows/unix)

You could use an external dll (windows) or .so (unix)

You could use an ocx (windows)

You could use a .net class (eg System.IO.Compression.ZipFile for .net framework 4.5, or (windows)



Posted by Jean Richert on 21-Nov-2013 14:38

Great suggestions Lieven...

Posted by on 26-Nov-2013 23:42

Thank you for your replay Lieven,

Can you please provide me few examples on available dll s for this purpose.. ?

It would be more helpful to me if you can give a description to use the mentioned dotnetzip library

Posted by Lieven De Foor on 27-Nov-2013 01:45

If your using a .net assembly (.dll) you first have to add it to your assemblies (PDSOE > Project > Properties > Progress OpenEdge > Assemblies).

Then in a .p or .cls you can create objects of the type (eg. System.IO.Compression.ZipFile) and execute its methods (see the documentation

Posted by Lieven Cardoen on 27-Nov-2013 01:52 : Here are some examples too -->

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