SSL on v9

Posted by Admin on 28-Aug-2006 21:58

Trying to do SSL Sockets on v9.

Anyone have a proven method ?

All Replies

Posted by Admin on 29-Aug-2006 12:55

Try an ActiveX-product that supports SSL-communication or write your own ActiveX...

Posted by gus on 15-Sep-2006 09:48

You might consider OpenSSL, which is an SSL library that you could call from the 4GL. You can't do SSL with the 4GL socket stuff in v9. In V10, SSL support was added.



Posted by Admin on 19-Sep-2006 02:54

If you need SSL with V9 you need a third party. We had a few options when we needed this and had to choose a homebrew JAVA RelayServer (because of patchlevels of the servers it needed to run on). You also could choose "curl" (we couldn't use it then). This is a commandline tool that is able to do SSL and works with stdin and stdout.

Hope this helpes.


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