PTW - Athens

Posted by Mike Ormerod on 05-Sep-2006 06:00

Just to let you know that a few of the Applied Technology group will be at PTW in Athens next week presenting some sessions. So if you'd like to catch any of us to discuss the topics raised on the forum, the material we've published, or indeed anything related to OpenEdge Principles then please drop by to any of our sessions, catch us at the expo and yes no doubt in the bar!


All Replies

Posted by fbe on 06-Sep-2006 04:26

That would be Mike holding the biggest pint of beer!

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 06-Sep-2006 11:37

And how, exactly, does one have a pint that is bigger than another pint?

And, wouldn't it be a liter in Athens?

Posted by Tim Kuehn on 06-Sep-2006 11:39

Mike has the meta-pint.

Posted by Mike Ormerod on 14-Sep-2006 03:31

and all I can say is the Greeks do brew a very good beer, meta or otherwise

Posted by Alon Blich on 14-Sep-2006 09:42

What no pictures this year ?

Looks like every body left their camera back home

Posted by aswindel on 14-Sep-2006 12:42

plenty of pictures - maybe not many that people like Mike would want made public though


Posted by johngoodland on 15-Sep-2006 07:33

Yes Anthony or was it actually Mike that took that picture? now is that a 1-1 or 1-2???

Message was edited by:

John Goodland

Posted by npowers on 17-Sep-2006 10:50

I'm not sure about the incriminating type of pictures (I stayed out of bars) but I know a lot of people took pictures, myself included. I'll drop a note to Arthur and see if there is an easy way to set up a spot for pictures related to the event.

Posted by adaltas on 17-Sep-2006 18:02

I'll look into with the rest of the team here. It would be great to share pictures I think. Just a few things to check since this is a public, Progress website; like what can be shared publically and is it technical enough for our main mission (oh, but there must be a way...)

Posted by Tim Kuehn on 17-Sep-2006 21:55

While you're at it, figure out a way to get rid of these fixed-width frames. I've got a 1600x1200 monitor's that's only being partly used because of it.

Posted by Phillip Magnay on 18-Sep-2006 06:55

While you're at it, figure out a way to get rid of

these fixed-width frames. I've got a 1600x1200

monitor's that's only being partly used because of it.


This request has been noted and has been included in our list of possible future changes.


Posted by Mike Ormerod on 19-Sep-2006 11:22

plenty of pictures - maybe not many that people like

Mike would want made public though


and what exactly does 'People like Mike' actually mean Mr. Swindells

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